Plant: Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) 黑心金光菊

Scientific name of Black-eyed Susan is “Rudbeckia”, in honor of Olaus Rudbeck, famous Swedish botanist. The specific epithet hirta is Latin for "hairy", and refers to the trichomes occurring on leaves and stems. Black-eyed Susan can be cultivated to prevent erosion of the soil. It was designated the state flower of Maryland in 1918.
黑眼蘇珊的學名是“黑心金光菊”,以紀念瑞典著名的植物學家奧勞斯·魯貝克。種小名 hirta 在拉丁文中意為“多毛的”,指葉子和莖上的植物茸毛。黑心金光菊可防止土壤侵蝕。在1918年被指定為馬里蘭州的州花。

Photo Date: 2020.08.06 Location: The Huntington Library

Notes 筆記

  • The specific epithet hirta is Latin for "hairy", and refers to the trichomes occurring on leaves and stems. Other common names for this plant include: brown-eyed Susan, brown betty, gloriosa daisy, golden Jerusalem, English bull’s eye, poor-land daisy, yellow daisy, and yellow ox-eye daisy.
  • Scientific name of Black-eyed Susan is “Rudbeckia”, in honor of Olaus Rudbeck, famous Swedish botanist.
  • The black-eyed Susan was designated the state flower of Maryland in 1918.
  • Native Americans used black-eyed Susan in treatment of common cold, flu, snake bites, various infections, swelling and earache.
  • The species is toxic to cats, when ingested.
  • Black-eyed Susan can be cultivated to prevent erosion of the soil.
  • Black-eyed Susan symbolizes encouragement and justice in the language of flowers.
  • 種小名 hirta 在拉丁文中意為“多毛的”,指葉子和莖上的植物茸毛。它的其他俗名包括:棕眼的蘇珊,棕貝蒂,光榮雛菊,金色的耶路撒冷,英國牛眼,荒地雛菊,黃色雛菊和黃色牛眼雛菊。
  • 黑眼蘇珊的學名是“黑心金光菊”,以紀念瑞典著名的植物學家奧勞斯·魯貝克。
  • 黑心金光菊在1918年被指定為馬里蘭州的州花。
  • 美洲原住民使用黑心金光菊治療感冒,流感,蛇咬,各種感染,腫脹和耳痛。
  • 貓吃了有毒。
  • 黑心金光菊可防止土壤侵蝕。
  • 用鮮花的語言來言,它象徵鼓勵和正義。

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References 參考資料