Plant: Alyogyne Hakeifolia

Alyogyne hakeifolia is a species of flowering plant in the family Malvaceae. The plant is similar to a Hibiscus and was assumed to be part of that genus for many years. It is endemic to the southern regions of Australia. It is widely distributed throughout south west Western Australia. The flowers are variously blue, purple, or various shades of creamy yellow. The species was grown in English greenhouses during the nineteenth century and is now grown in temperate climes of the United States of America and Europe.
Alyogyne hakeifolia 是錦葵科的一種開花植物。這種植物與朱槿相似,多年來一直被認為是朱槿屬的一部分。它是澳洲南部地區的特有種。廣泛分佈於西澳大利亞州西南部。花朵有藍色、紫色或各種色調的乳黃色。它於 19 世紀在英國溫室中栽培,現在在美國和歐洲的溫帶地區也栽培。

Photo Date: 2020.06.16 Location: LA Arboretum

Notes 筆記

  • Alyogyne hakeifolia is a species of flowering plant in the family Malvaceae. It is endemic to the southern regions of Australia.
  • Flowering begins between May and August in its native habitat, and continues until February. The flowers are variously blue, purple, or various shades of creamy yellow.
  • Widely distributed throughout south west Western Australia, Alyogyne Hakeifolia is also found further east in the Eremaean botanical province. The species has a preference for undulating plains of red sand, or rocky loams, and is also found on limestone in these regions.
  • Propagation is successful by cuttings, well drained soil, avoidance of frosts and the usual caution regarding phosphorus and species from the region is recommended. The species was grown in English greenhouses during the nineteenth century and is now grown in temperate climes of the United States of America and Europe.
  • Alyogyne hakeifolia 是錦葵科的一種開花植物。它是澳洲南部地區的特有種。
  • 在其原生地,花期始於五月至八月,一直持續到二月。花朵有藍色、紫色或各種色調的乳黃色。
  • Alyogyne Hakeifolia 廣泛分佈於西澳大利亞州西南部,在 Eremaean 植物省更東部也可見。它喜歡起伏的紅沙平原或岩石壤土,以及這些地區的石灰岩。
  • 建議透過插枝、排水良好的土壤、避免霜凍以及對地區磷和物種的注意事項就可成功繁殖。它於 19 世紀在英國溫室中栽培,現在在美國和歐洲的溫帶地區也栽培。

Plants Posts 植物的帖子

References 參考資料