Taiwan Travel Journal 2024.06.9-10 台灣旅行日記 (龍舟賽,三重新北大都會公園)

The Dragon Boat Festival in 2024 is on June 10. The dragon boat race is an important event to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. It is rare that we are in Taiwan, so we go to see it. We were concerned about the crowd so we decided to go to the Breeze Canal in Luzhou District, New Taipei City on the 9th to watch the dragon boat race. Unfortunately, there were not many boats participating, we only saw one race and the before-noon races had ended. And, there were no food vendors on site. So we had to go back to Luzhou MRT station for lunch.

After lunch, we decided to go to the New Taipei Metropolitan Park next to Sanchong MRT Station. This 424-hectare, 7.7-kilometer-long park is a flood control and recreational park. It is planned as an ecological experience area (Wugu Wetland, Breeze canal), urban sports area (remote control racing field, basketball court, baseball and softball field) and parent-child recreation area (wedding plaza, Inclusive Playground). The dragon boat race we just went to was in the Breeze Canal, which is part of the New Taipei Metropolitan Park. Next to the Sanchong MRT Station is the parent-child recreation area. With the theme of "Taiwan's native animals", there are 31 slides and 100 sets of play equipment. Even adults like us were still childlike and eager to try various slides and playground equipment.
吃完中飯我們決定去捷運三重站旁的新北大都會公園看看,這個424公頃,全長7.7公里,為防洪兼具休閒遊憩功能的公園,被規劃為生態體驗區 (五股濕地、微風運河)、都會運動區 (遙控賽車場、籃球場、棒壘球場)以及親子休閒區 (婚紗廣場、共融遊戲場)。我們才去的龍舟賽在微風運河,便是新北大都會公園的一部分。捷運三重站旁即是親子休閒區,這裏以台灣原生動物」為主題,設置了31座溜滑梯及100組遊具設施,連我們這種老小孩也童心未泯,躍躍欲試各種滑梯及遊樂設施。

I loved this “Echoes of ages” art work at Sanchong MRT station. 我很喜歡三重捷運站的這幅《時代的回聲》藝術作品。
Parent-child recreation area at New Taipei Metropolitan Park. 新北大都會公園親子休閒區
Xingfu Shuiyang Park at New Taipei Metropolitan Park. 新北大都會公園幸福水漾園區
Cape gooseberry, other common names include goldenberry and Peruvian groundcherry (Physalis peruviana). We saw someone picking wild cape gooseberry, and we were very curious. The person who picked them treated us to one, which was sweet and tart.

The Chenguang Bridge is a landscape platform specially designed for pedestrians and bicycles to stop and pass. The design concept comes from the legendary story of the reunion of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. The overlapping double-layer bridge deck with the Milky Way curve and the magpie-shaped shading area shape Chinese Valentine's Day imagery.

The next day we decided to go to Dajia Riverside Park to watch the Taipei City Dragon Boat Race. There were so many boats participating, and the racing was so exciting.

Xingtian Temple MRT Station 行天宮捷運站

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