Erziping is located on the west side of Yangmingshan National Park. It is a volcanic depression between the main peak of Datun and Erzishan. Erziping Trail, also known as the barrier-free trail, has a gentle slope and is 1.8 kilometers in total. The plant forest here is rich and provides food sources for various insects. It is suitable for activities such as butterfly watching, bird watching, mountain climbing, hiking, scenery appreciation, and plant observation. When the weather is hot, it is very cool and comfortable to walk here.

It might be Begonia formosana (Hayata) Masam
可能是水鴨腳秋海棠, 台灣水鴨腳、裂葉秋海棠
可能是水鴨腳秋海棠, 台灣水鴨腳、裂葉秋海棠

Paris polyphylla 七葉一枝花

Taiwan endemic species Nuphar shimadae, Yellow Water Lily

Orthetrum triangulare 鼎脈蜻蜓

Orthetrum pruinosum 霜白蜻蜓

Dung beetle that feed on feces. Many dung beetles, known as rollers, roll dung into round balls, which are used as a food source or breeding chambers.
Dung beetle that feed on feces. Many dung beetles, known as rollers, roll dung into round balls, which are used as a food source or breeding chambers.

Black and scarlet cicada (Huechys sanguinea)

Blue admiral (Kaniska canace) 琉璃蛺蝶

Indian fritillary (Argynnis hyperbius) 斐豹蛺蝶

Leaf-footed bug 緣蝽科
Taiwan's endemic bird Formosan Blue Magpie (Urocissa caerulea) Photos taken in June 2022
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