Taiwan Travel Journal 2024.06.12 台灣旅行日記 (國立故宮博物院)

The National Palace Museum, referred to as the National Palace Museum in Taiwan, has its main museum in Shilin District, Taipei City, and its southern campus in Taibao City, Chiayi County. It houses world-famous Chinese art treasures, which were inherited from the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing courts. The artifact collection can be roughly divided into bronzes, calligraphy and paintings, ceramics, books and classics, handicrafts and palace cultural relics, etc. It's regrettable that we didn't calculate the time well and arrived a little late. We could only take a quick walk to see the collections, but we were unable to carefully appreciate each of the amazing ancient cultural pieces.

"Up the River During Qingming" is a masterpiece of realistic genre painting. This version, a collaborative effort of five Qing court artists, was completed in 1736, the first year of the Qianlong Emperor’s reign. It is an invaluable source of study for both later Ming and Qing society and customs.
Taoism is broadly recognized as both a philosophy and a religion. The two are distinct yet interconnected. Philosophical Taoism is rooted in the philosophies of Laozi, Zhuangzi, and the prevalent Huang-Lao school during the Warring States, Qin, and Han dynasties. It centers on “Tao” (the Way) and promotes principles of purity, emptiness, and inaction in self-development and governance, and offers guidance on relationships with people and attitudes to the cosmos with the principle that “the Tao follows its own nature”. Religious Taoism, however, seeks spiritual immortality and enlightenment through the Tao. Despite these differences, philosophical Taoism forms the foundation of Taoist religious belief, meaning the two must be considered as interconnected rather than completely separate. From the Sui and Tang to the Ming dynasties, Taoism thrived, boosted by the reverence of royal and noble families and gaining substantial social influence. However, as imperial preferences shifted towards Buddhism during the Qing dynasty, Taoism’s growth waned and it fell away from the heights of its former glory.
"A Garland of Treasures" is the title given in the Qing dynasty by the Qianlong emperor to a curio box in his collection. As the name suggests, it means a group of small but precious artifacts. They include enamels, clothing and accessories, studio objects, lacquerware, Buddhist ritual implements, carvings, and curio boxes. Covering a wide range of forms and materials, these artifacts are especially numerous and of high quality. This exhibition is divided into the themes of “precious” and “crafts.” “Precious” refers to the treasured materials and exceptional workmanship, while “crafts” indicates the consummate skill that went into the design and production of the classical forms. These items were mostly used in daily life at the imperial court. They could be ritual objects, diplomatic gifts, accessories used for ceremonial purposes and part of the dress and make-up for those living in the ladies’ quarters. Some crafts were displayed in palace halls, served as curios to be appreciated at leisure, or found in the scholar’s studio. Others are also rare collectibles stored in chests that were all specially designed and marvelously produced.
Cloisonné plate with decoration of two dragons, Wanli reign (1573-1620), Ming dynasty
明 萬曆 (1573-1620)掐絲琺瑯雙龍盤
Gilt flint case with coral-and-turquoise inlay (with carved lacquer box and Qianlong reign mark) Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
清 (1644-1911) 鍍金嵌松石珊瑚火鐮盒 附乾隆款雕漆盒
Agarwood bead bracelet (with tin storage container) Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
清 (1644-1911) 伽楠香木手串 附錫盒
A suit of red sandalwood furniture was given to Prince Gong Yixin (1833-1898) by Emperor Xianfeng of the Qing Dynasty (1831-1861) for his mansion. The intricate carvings and the fine carpentry stand for the typical production of the Qing palace's furniture. The display of furniture and cultural artifacts has enabled the understanding of general perspectives of the royalties’ daily life.
"A Dream of Red Mansions" is a novel in which the author recalls the story of an aristocratic family during the Qing Dynasty, from wealth and prosperity to family decline. The National Palace Museum uses "objects" to read novels, leading us to use the objects and materials to see the bygone era.
Gold Finial Inlaid with Dong Pearl and Cat's Eye Gemstone for the Imperial Consort's Court Hat, Qianlong Reign (1736-1795), Qing Dynasty, The design of a finial was regulated based on the wearer’s status, including the type and quantity of decorative materials such as pearls and gemstones.
清 乾隆 (1736-1795) 金鑲東珠貓睛石嬪妃朝冠頂, 依身份不同,層數、東珠、珍珠及寶石數量等,皆有相應規範。
Ceramics are a sign of civilization. From processing the clay, shaping the forms, applying the glazes to firing the products in kilns, raw materials go through many changes as soft clay becomes durable ceramic. The forms, glazes and decorative patterns on ceramics are diverse and varied due to their being created under different cultural and social conditions. The exhibition is divided into four sections: "Neolithic Age to the Five Dynasties," "Song to Yuan Dynasties," "Ming Dynasty," and "Qing Dynasty".
"Neolithic Age to the Five Dynasties" 6000 B.C.E–960 C.E - represents a long period of time when ceramics evolved from primitive beginnings to a more sophisticated stage
「新石器至五代」6000 B.C.E–960 C.E- 呈現陶瓷器由原始到成熟的階段
"Song to Yuan Dynasties" 960–1350 - explores the decorations and beauty of various wares from different kilns
「宋金元」960–1350 - 從生活美學的角度,來看各個窯口瓷器的裝飾與美感
"Ming Dynasty" 1368–1644 - narrates the establishment of the Jingdezhen imperial kilns
「明」1368–1644 - 陳述景德鎮御器廠的成立
"Qing Dynasty" 1644–1911 - shows how three emperors, Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong, personally gave orders for the imperial kilns, the influence of official models reaching a peak at that time.
「清」1644–1911 - 康雍乾三朝皇帝親自指揮御窯廠,官樣影響發揮至極
The history of Chinese painting can be compared to a symphony. The styles and traditions in figure, landscape, and bird-and-flower painting have formed themes that continue to blend to this day into a single piece of music. Painters through the ages have made up this "orchestra," composing and performing many movements and variations within this tradition. It was from the Six Dynasties (222-589) to the Tang dynasty (618-907) that the foundations of figure painting were gradually established. Modes of landscape painting then took shape in the Five Dynasties period (907-960) with variations based on geographic distinctions. Guided by the taste of the emperor of the Song Dynasty (960-1279), painters at the court academy developed to an unprecedented level. Scholars thought that painting as an art had to go beyond just the "appearance of forms" in order to express the ideas and cultivation of the artist. This became the foundation of the movement known as literati (scholar) painting. The goal of literati painters in the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368) was in part to revive the antiquity of the Tang and Northern Song as a starting point for personal expression. Starting from the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), painting often became distinguished in local schools that formed important clusters in the history of art. The emperors of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), while advocating the "Orthodox School" style, also tolerated the Western painting techniques brought by European missionaries. Volume and perspective became known to and used by some Chinese painters to create a fused style.
The art of seal carving has a long and profound history, dating back to ancient times before the Qin Dynasty. It has continued to thrive through the periods of Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, and even the Republican era, with various renowned schools and styles. Within the limited space of a seal, it encompasses a myriad of artistic expressions.The history of seals and seal carvings is an impressive collection contributed by seals with various functions and purposes, including pictorial seals, official seals, private seals, seals of assorted idioms and collector’s seals.
A Gathering of Treasures 國寶薈萃: Meat-shaped stone 肉形石 and Jade Trio of Ring Symbolizing the Heaven, Earth, Human 玉「天地人」三連環
Sacrifice and Warfare: From tools for production and hunting to weapons of killing and attacking, from providing for basic needs to determining the outcome of wars, the sharpness of the blade has been the key of weapons as well as a timeless pursuit of human craftsmanship. Initially, humans used stone to make blades. Later, with the mastery of revolutionary alloy technology, humans successfully smelted bronze and thus redefined blades. In ancient China, bronze weapons appeared around 1,800 BCE. These weapons not only demonstrated their prowess on the battlefield but also became integrated into the aristocratic ritual system, serving as ceremonial objects symbolizing the owner’s social status and power.
祀與戎: 從生產與狩獵的工具到殺伐兵器,從滿足溫飽到決定戰爭勝負,刃的鋒利與否是關鍵所在,也是人類製器的亙古追求。最初人類利用石材製刃,隨後人類掌握飛躍性的合金技術,冶煉出青銅。在古代中國,青銅兵器約出現於公元前1800年,兵器不只在戰場上大展身手,也融入貴族禮制,成為象徵身份地位的禮器。
As far back as over seven thousand years ago, our forebears had learned from the toil of life such as digging and logging that "jade" was a stone of beauty and eternity. With a glistening sheen just like the springtime sunshine, believed to be high in jinqi (vital force or energy), this beautiful jade was fashioned after the concept of yin and yang into round bi discs and square cong tubes, and marked with deistic and ancestral images as well as "encoded" symbols. A power of "affinity" born of "artifacts imitating nature", so they hoped, would enable dialogues with the Supreme God, who imparted life through mythical divine creatures and thus created humans. Out of this early animistic belief, came the unique Dragon-and-Phoenix culture of China. Throughout the nearly eight-millennium development, jade carvings have first embodied the Chinese ethic of religion that was in awe of heaven and in reverence of ancestors. Then art in pursuit of verisimilitude in both form and spirit peaked after the medieval China, manifesting the academic heritage of Chinese scholars in seeking the intrinsic nature of things. The two concepts jointly attest to our national character as well as the deepest and most profound connotation of the ancient Chinese jades, the art in quest of heaven and truth.
The Bronze Age of China started in the late Xia dynasty (c. early 17th century B.C.E.), lasting about 1,500 years through several dynasties from Shang to Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou. During those remote eras, only the ruling class was allowed to commission and use the precious bronze vessels. Bronze was mainly cast into ritual objects, in addition to weaponry, to offer sacrifices to ancestors for their blessing of an everlasting lineage.
Inkstones have accompanied people through the ages. In an era before computer keyboards were used and before fountain pens were invented, the use of brushes, ink, paper, and inkstones was required for writing and painting. Among these tools, inkstones have stood the test of time. For approximately 2,000 years, inkstones have undergone continuous changes, evolution, and refinement, much like the ebb and flow of fashion trends, exhibiting a multitude of forms and styles throughout different eras.

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