Dadaocheng was once tribal land of the Basai people, the aboriginal people of Pingpu. In 1851, the Han settlers arrived to do business and established shops. Because the residents set up large open spaces here to dry rice and grain, it lead to the name Dadaocheng (大稻埕) which translated to “Big Rice Wharf”. After the opening of Tamsui Port in 1860, Dadaocheng blossomed into a bustling commercial hub in Taipei, mainly trading tea and cloth. The rise of Dadaocheng is closely related to the history of tea development. At that time, British businessman John Dodd came to Taiwan to inspect the place of origin of camphor. He unexpectedly discovered that Taiwan was very suitable for growing tea, so he introduced tea seedlings from Anxi, Fujian. He originally wanted to build a tea factory in Bangka but the Bangka people were extremely xenophobic and had constant conflicts, forcing him to set up the tea factory in Dadaocheng in the north. Later, many foreign merchants or Fujian tea merchants came to set up tea factories in Dadaocheng. It forms two major economic centers, south in Bangka and north in Dadaocheng. During the Japanese colonial period, Japanese businessmen resisted the influence of foreign companies and turned to Japan and Southeast Asia as their main markets. Then after World War II, Dadaocheng gradually lost its function as a river port due to the siltation of the Tamsui River, and Taiwanese tea was unable to compete with Ceylon black tea, so Dadaocheng gradually declined. Although the function of the wharf is no longer what it once was, Dadaocheng's charm endures. Its gorgeous Baroque buildings, traditional Minnan houses, bright red brick western-style buildings, tea shops, medicine shops, cloth shops, snacks, etc., are all attracting tourists. Today Dadaocheng has been transformed into a place for people to relax and have fun.
Dihua Street Ten Buildings is a baroque two-story building with 10 buildings (even numbered 348 to 366 in Section 1 of Dihua Street) that are connected together. It was completed in 1912. During the prosperous period of business, there were mainly six families running business here. Five of which were rice mills and one was a sewing thread factory. In the early days, land transportation was inconvenient, and all goods were transported by water. Each bag of rice weighing 100 kilograms was transported by water to Taipei Bridge Pier, and then transported by human-powered wagons to nearby rice mills for sale or OEM. The convenience of transportation attracted the rice mills industry. The back door of the store was close to the Tamsui River, which was convenient for rice shipping. The rice was milled and refined in the back part of the building. The milled rice was placed in front of the store (facing Dihua Street, where a lot of people come and go) for sale. After World War II, food rationing began, and all rice was put under the control of the Food Bureau. The rice mill business was not as prosperous as before. The Ten Buildings have been passed down for several generations, and their original scene is no longer there. In recent years, after they were converted into residential buildings, the arcade on the facade of the old house was retained. They become a characteristic building of Dadaocheng’s historical style.
迪化街十連棟是 10 棟 (迪化街 1 段 348 至 366 雙號) 連續排列在一起的巴洛克式二層樓建築物,於1912年建造完成,在商業興盛時間,這裏主要是六大家族經營商業的店面,其中五家是碾米廠,一家是縫衣線工廠。早期陸地交通運輸不便,全靠船隻載運貨物經由水路運輸,每袋百斤重的稻米船運至臺北橋碼頭,再以人力皮車搬運至附近碾米廠買賣、代工或代銷,吸引碾米業聚集於此。店家後門近淡水河,方便稻米船運,建築物後段碾米加工精製,碾完的米擺置店前 (面臨迪化街,大量人潮流動) 銷售。二次大戰後,食物開始實施配給制,所有稻米收歸糧食局管制,碾米廠事業不如往常興盛,十連棟建築歷經數代傳承,原有風光不再。近年在改建成住宅大樓後,保留舊屋的立面騎樓,成為大稻埕歷史風貌的特色建築物。

Across street from Dihua Street Ten Buildings 迪化街十連棟對面
We walked along Dihua Street until we reached Dadaocheng Wharf. Along the way, we were attracted by the Japanese-style and imitation Baroque-style buildings with red bricks and washed stones alternately influenced by the Meiji Restoration. At the same time, we were also fascinated by the interesting items, food, and tea shops on this street... We couldn't take our eyes away.
高建桶店像是古早的雜貨店,在這裏有各式舊時廚房器具、生活器皿,竹編包、竹籃、手工蒸籠... 令人眼花撩亂,我們逛了一陣子。




這棟1917年興建的樓房,房名雖是屈臣氏大藥房,但並非現在眾所皆知的連鎖藥妝店所擁有。它是藥材商李俊啟先生在日治時代取得屈臣氏商標權而興建的樓房。1990年代遭火災毀損, 內部木造結構全燒淨,僅剩下石材打造的外牆,於2005年列市定古蹟。經李氏子孫數年的努力下,這棟樓房已回復往日風貌。現今租給小藝埕工作團隊,保留老屋「屈臣氏大藥房」的外牆 ,將三層樓空間從販售西藥轉變成文創概念聚集地,有文創小店、咖啡廳、文藝表演空間及書店。

Dadaocheng Wharf Container Market 大稻埕碼頭廣場與貨櫃市集
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