Taiwan Travel Journal 2024.05.29 台灣旅行日記 (台北車站,西門町)

Today we were taking my mom for a routine check-up and then we walked around Taipei Main Station and Ximending. Taipei Main Station was established in 1891 during the Qing Dynasty. After many moves and reconstructions, the current station was opened in 1989. It is an underground railway station composed of Taiwan Railway, Taiwan High Speed Rail, Taipei MRT, and Airport MRT. There are bus and highway passenger terminals in the surrounding area. It serves as the Taipei Metropolitan Central Station and is one of the three major transportation hubs in the Taipei Metropolitan Area along with Banqiao Station and Nangang Station. It is also the railway station with the largest traffic volume in Taiwan. The first floor of Taipei Station has four sides: east, south, west and north, with three exits on each side. The second floor is Breeze Plaza, which is famous for its exquisite gourmet restaurants. The third to sixth floors are the administrative centers of Taiwan Railway and High Speed Rail. There is a high-speed rail information desk, underground shopping mall and shopping mall on the first underground floor. The second underground floor is the Taiwan Railway platform and the high-speed rail platform. The third and fourth underground floors are the platforms for the Taipei MRT Blue Line and Red Line. The station square is sometimes used as a venue for film and television stars to hold events. Therefore, Taipei Station is not only an important transportation center in northern Taiwan, but also with these other facilities. It's also packed with business features.

Choo Choo Clock show on the hour 嘟嘟鐘整點演出
Breeze Plaza on the 2nd floor 二樓微風廣場
Smile in different languages and expressions 微笑用不同的語言和表達方式

On the way to Ximending 去西門町的路上

Ximending got its name because it is located outside the western gate of Taipei City. During the Japanese occupation, the Japanese set up a leisure and business district here in order to imitate the Asakusa District of Tokyo. The earliest entertainment facility was the theater Tokyo Tei in 1895. Starting in the 1920s, Ximending became Taipei's famous movie street. After the end of World War II in 1945, more theaters were opened here, and some department stores that began to take shape were also opened one after another. Ximending and the adjacent Chunghwa Mall have long represented the most prosperous entertainment and fashion destination in Taipei. With the opening of the MRT Ximen Station, the construction of the Zhonghua Road boulevard, the establishment of Ximending's characteristic business district, and the fact that Ximending is the first pedestrian area in Taipei City, Ximending continues to attract a large number of international tourists and young people to Ximending. Nowadays, it has evolved into a holy place for youth pop culture, Korean pop culture and K-pop dance. You can also buy many Korean popular books, records, clothing, etc. here.

In the Qing Dynasty, Ximending was originally a tomb area filled with barren mounds and sandy sweet potato fields. During the Japanese colonial period, the Japanese built the Ximen Market in the Ximen area in 1896. In 1907, Kondo Juro designed a new indoor market for the Ximen Market. It was first completed with an octagonal building. Initially, the octagonal building specialized in selling high-end Japanese groceries, and then the neighboring Cruciform building was completed and here mainly sold fresh food. After World War II, it was used as a performing arts venue. Storytelling, Peking opera a cappella, Yue opera, and cross talk were all popular entertainment performances here. Today, the Ximen Red House is listed as a Taipei City Historic Site and serves as a cultural and creative venue and performance space.
西門町在清朝原為荒塚纍纍的墓區與沙質的番薯田。在日治時期 1896 年日本人在西門地區蓋西門市場,1907年近藤十郎為西門市場設計新室內市集,最早以八角形建築體先完成,最初八角樓專賣高級日式食品雜貨,接著完成鄰棟的十字樓,主要販售生鮮食物。二戰後作為演藝場所,說書、京戲清唱、越劇、相聲⋯ 都曾是這裏風行的娛樂表演。現今西門紅樓列為臺北市定古蹟,作為文創場所與展演空間。

In the evening we went to Hungkan Dim Sum on the 2nd floor of No. 144, Section 1, Chung Wah Road for dim sum.
晚上我們到位於中華路一段 144 號 2 樓的紅磡港式飲茶_西門店去飲茶。

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