Taiwan Travel Journal 2024.05.28 台灣旅行日記 (鶯歌)

Yingge is located in the southwest corner of the Taipei Basin. As early as 1805 AD, the soil in Yingge was found to be suitable for creating ceramic works. The local area also produced coal mines, suitable for the development of kilns, and had convenient water and railway transportation. Therefore, the Yingge ceramics production industry was created. After the development and promotion of ceramic art, many art studios and shops attract many tourists. Since we bought the $1200 NT ($37 USD) TPASS, we can take any MRT, light rail, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Access MRT, bus, Taiwan Railway train and Youbike etc. in Keelung, Taipei, New Taipei and Taoyuan within 30 days. So we took the MRT to Banqiao and then took a train to Yingge.
鶯歌位於臺北盆地的西南角,遠在西元1805年,鶯歌的土壤就被發現適合捏製陶瓷,當地又出產煤礦,適以發展燒窯,並有水利及鐵路運輸之便,於是開創了鶯歌陶瓷生產業,再加之以後對陶瓷藝術的推展,許多藝術工作室和商店吸引了不少觀光客。由於我們買了基北北桃 1200 定期票 ($37 美金),30 天內可以在基隆市、台北市、新北市及桃園市內任意搭乘捷運、輕軌、機捷、市區公車、台鐵火車、及 Youbike。所以我們坐捷運到板橋,再換火車到鶯歌。

At the train station, we saw a map of nearby famous scenic spots, and we followed the map to visit several places.

We went to the New Taipei City Art Museum first. The New Taipei City Government hopes to combine relevant arts and culture, natural ecology and local industrial characteristics to become an important artistic and cultural landmark in northern Taiwan. At present, the main building is still under construction, so we went to an outdoor park for a walk.

After leaving the New Taipei City Art Museum campus, we saw a shop selling porcelain and went to take a look.

It was almost noon, and we walked on a long semicircular viaduct, crossed the train tracks, and headed to Yingge Ceramics Old Street. There are many signboards on the railings of the overpass providing introductions and folk stories about Yingge. We had delicious beef noodles and pork ribs rice for lunch, and had an old-fashioned popsicles after the meal. It was a great pleasure.

Yingge Historical Street of Ceramics, located on Wenhua Road and Jianshanpu Road, has a history of 200 years. In 1989, under the re-planning of the city government, the pedestrian area was paved with rocks, and the old ceramic factories beside the road were also renovated and converted into business stores. You can find unique exquisite art centers, bulk tableware stores, and factory-operated stores. We also found several pottery studios in a small alley, which were very special and interesting, and they made our trip worthwhile.
位於文化路以及尖山埔路上的鶯歌陶瓷老街已有200年的歷史,民國89年在市府的重新規劃下,將徒步區鋪上岩石,路旁原本老舊的 陶瓷廠房也重新規劃整修,改成營業用的商店,有各具特色的精緻藝術中心、大宗餐具專賣店,還有老鶯歌陶瓷世家,及工廠直營商店。我們在一個小巷弄中還發現好幾家陶藝家工作室,非常特別,讓我們深感不虛此行。

The Yingge Spot Handcraft Gallery, located at No. 18 Taoci St, Yingge District, New Taipei City, is a cultural center integrating cultural creativity, crafts, exhibitions, food and performances.

The New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum was officially opened in 2000. It is the first professional museum with ceramics as the theme in Taiwan. It is committed to the survey, collection, preservation and maintenance of Taiwanese ceramic culture, and provides research, collection, display and educational promotion. Through organizing various activities, exhibitions, studies, etc., it stimulates the public's interest and love for ceramic culture and enhances the Yingge ceramics industry and local image, promotes modern ceramic art creation, and promotes international exchanges.

Yingge is a quite unique town. On the way to Yingge Railway Station, I saw several distinctive old buildings and other scenery.

The appearance of "Guardian of Yingge" is inspired by the origin of the place name Yingge - "Yingge Stone". This 6-foot-tall bird has feet made of Yingge ceramic tiles and a solar panel on its back, allowing resources to be recycled. It was designed by the New Taipei City Government by combining local history and culture with artists' public art, making it a new landmark and new image of Yingge culture. 「守望鶯歌」外型以鶯歌地名起源─「鶯歌石」為發想,這隻6尺高大的鳥,腳部使用鶯歌在地磁磚打造,背部加上太陽能板,使得資源可循環利用,它是新北市政府將在地歷史文化結合藝術家的公共藝術所設計的,使之成為鶯歌文化新地標及新意象。

Eat Hunan cuisine in Banqiao in the evening to end a wonderful day.

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