Taiwan Travel Journal 2024.05.27 台灣旅行日記 (波 WAVE Jaffa Cuisine Lab)

We were taking my mom to rehab in the afternoon, so we decided not to go out and find a special Israeli restaurant nearby, WAVE Jaffa Cuisine Lab, to try. There is an article introducing the founder Boaz and this restaurant in the 7th issue of Fullfoods Quarterly, Believe in miracles, a wonderful encounter with Israel’s ripples|Wave Jaffa Cuisine Lab, which can give you a better understanding of this restaurant. In this restaurant, located at 1st Floor, No. 13, Lane 178, Zhuangjing Road, Xinyi District, you can get in touch with some Israeli culture, experience a little Tel Aviv Jaffa style, and taste Israel's most classic daily dish, hummus. It is a quite special lunch experience.
下午要帶媽媽去復健,我們就決定不出去玩,在附近找了一個特別的以色列料理 - 波 WAVE Jaffa Cuisine Lab - 來嚐試。在灃食季刊第7期中有一篇介紹創辦人波阿斯及這家餐館的文章 (相信奇蹟,一場與以色列漣漪的美好邂逅|Wave Jaffa Cuisine Lab),可對這家餐館有更進一步的了解。在這個位於信義區莊敬路 178 巷 13 號 1 樓的餐館可以接觸一些以色列的文化,體驗一點特拉維夫雅法風情,也能品嚐到以色列最經典的日常料理鷹嘴豆泥,是個蠻特殊的午餐經驗。

Crispy Vegetable Chickpea Balls 法拉費鷹嘴豆泥
Arayes 阿瑞斯餅
Stuffed Peppers Shakshuka 椒鑲牛羊肉鐵鍋燉蛋

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