Taiwan Travel Journal 2024.05.26 台灣旅行日記 (花博公園新生園區, 彩虹橋)

We went to the Taipei EXPO Xinsheng Park on May 26, 2024. When we arrived here, we discovered that this park, which was built in 1978, is the second largest park in Taipei City, covering an area of nearly 20 hectares. It includes the Lin An Tai Historical House, Taipei Collectible Botanical Garden, Pavilion of Dreams, Pavilion of Angel Life, Creative Garden, Xinsheng Neighborhood Reading Room, Serenity Garden, Garden Maze, Floral Seas and Taipei Rose Garden. It also has various sports ground facilities. It is a good place for families to relax and have fun.
今天我們去花博公園新生園區,來到這裏才發現這個民國 67 年闢建完成的公園是台北市第二大公園,佔地近20公頃,它包括了林安泰古厝、台北典藏植物園、行動夢想館、天使生活館、創意花園、新生民眾閱覽室、怡情園、迷宮花園和林下花圃花海區以及台北玫瑰園。並設有多樣的運動場設施。是假日親子休閒的好場所。

Lin An Tai Historical House is also known as Rongtai House. The name of the house "An Tai" is taken from the place name of Anxi and the "Tai" in Rongtai. In 1754, businessman Lin Qinming crossed the sea from Anxi County, Quanzhou Prefecture, Fujian Province, and opened "Rongtaihag" in Monga, Taiwan. After becoming rich in business, he began to build houses and property. At its peak, the family owned one-third of the land in today's Taipei city. The Lin An Tai Historical House was formerly located at No. 141 Siwei Road and first built around 1783, with an area of 264 py (9396 square feet). It was built five times and was not completed until the 1820s. It is a single-story, two-entry courtyard house in the Minnan style of the Ming and Qing dynasties, with water-shaped gables and a dovetail-style roof. No exposed nails are used in the construction, and all joints are joined with tenons, hidden nails or wedges. The floor tiles in the main hall are arranged in a diamond shape that intersects into a herringbone pattern, symbolizing the prosperity of the family and the constant flow of visitors. The openwork window also symbolizes the endless line of descendants, with six chi hu (hornless dragon and tiger) surrounding an incense burner. One hundred and fifty peonies in different shapes are carved on each of the shrine doors in the main hall. Below the shrine, the Kui dragon totem is combined into the four characters "Fu, Lu, Shou and Quan" (good fortune, prosperity, longevity, completeness). In 1978, it faced demolition due to the widening of Dunhua South Road, which triggered a movement to protect historical sites and promoted the legislation of the "Cultural Heritage Preservation Act." It was moved to No. 5 Binjiang Street and rebuilt in 1984 and used as a Landmark & Historical Place. It was listed as a historical building in 2012.
林安泰古厝,又稱榮泰厝,宅名「安泰」取自安溪地名以及榮泰行的「泰」。1754年商人林欽明由福建省泉州府安溪縣渡海,在台灣艋舺開設「榮泰行」,經商致富後開始興屋治產,家族最盛時期,擁有今日台北巿三分之一土地。林安泰古厝原位於四維路141號,開始約建於 1783年, 面積 264 坪,前後經五次闢建,直到1820年代才完工。為明清時期閩南風格的單層二進四合院住宅,具水形山牆、燕尾式屋脊。建造不使用明釘,全以接榫、暗釘或楔子接合。正廳地磚以菱形交會成人字形,象徵家族興盛、來訪客人川流不息。透雕窗也象徵子嗣綿綿不絕,為六隻螭虎環抱一香爐。正廳神龕門各刻一百五十朵牡丹花,花姿不一。神龕下方以夔龍圖騰組合成「福、祿、壽、全」四字。1978年因敦化南路拓寬而面臨拆除,引起古蹟保護運動,促進《文化資產保存法》立法,1984年遷建濱江街5號,作民俗文物館之用,2012年列為歷史建築。

The outer courtyard of the historical house is paved with red stone. It was a ballast stone placed on the bottom of the ship when Chinese merchant ships came to Taiwan at that time to prevent the ship from becoming unstable. Its advantages are that it does not grow moss and is non-slip. The door's pillow stone, door pier and door mortar are all carved from a single piece of stone, and each door is equipped with a hidden lock. The roof structure of the historical house adopts a one continuous line single ridge method, and the swallow-tail curve of the roof presents a natural and soft style. 古厝外埕鋪有紅普石,是當時大陸商船來臺,為避免船身不穩,置於船底的壓艙石,它的優點是不長青苔、防滑。大門的門枕石、門墩與門臼,均由整塊石材雕成,各門設暗鎖。古厝的屋脊結構,採一條龍的單脊作法,屋脊燕尾曲線呈現自然柔和的風貌。
The cloud wall is scattered at various heights in the garden, with a vase-shaped (representing peace) ornamental perforated window as a partition wallto separate the space and embellish the garden landscape, which is called a framed view. 雲牆,園林中高低錯落,配似花瓶形状(代表平安)漏窗作為隔牆,分隔空間作為園林景觀之點綴,謂之框景。
Yu Chain Lou (Pavilion) on the left, Sueh Yueh Hall on the right, with the Ying Yueh Pond in front as the main scene. Obviously, this historical house builds a waterscape by setting the Moon Pond as a centerpiece in courtyard, moreover, pavilions, towers, boats and bridge to accompany it. In this way, the house can construct a wonderland for cultivating minds where is in accordance with Taoism. 左邊雨前樓,右邊隨月閣,以前面的映月大池為主景。林安泰理水水景以映月大池為園內主景,伴以亭、閤、舫、橋。這樣就可以建造一個符合道家思想的修心仙境。
Tea Lover's House 醉茶居
Yu Dai Bridge 玉帶橋
Yao Yueh Pavilion 邀月亭

The Pavilion of Dreams is an exhibition hall that combines technology and art. The Industrial Technology Research Institute researched 360 latest technologies, and the Dream Pavilion selected five technologies for interaction in the museum.

The Taipei Collection Botanical Garden in the new campus of the Flower Expo Park combines diamond-level green buildings with the wisdom of domestic top horticultural experts. It focuses on humans, plants and the environment, and depicts Taiwan's ecology by combining plants from all over Taiwan according to different climates and regions. A microcosm of the environment, creating the only exhibition-type plant greenhouse in Taiwan that displays the most varieties per unit area.

Taipei Rose Garden is the largest rose garden in Taiwan and is divided into variety area, flower sea area, colorful rose garden, breeder garden and horticultural plant exhibition area.

From 5/1 to 6/30, the "2024 Taipei Water Dance Carnival" was held at the Rainbow Bridge at Xikou Pier in Songshan, so we seized the opportunity to go to the Rainbow Bridge to watch the water dance performance at night.
5/1 至 6/30「2024台北水舞嘉年華」在松山的錫口碼頭彩虹橋登場,我們便抓住機會晚上去彩虹橋看水舞表演。

Total 14,832 steps and 6.24 miles (10 km) today. Of course, I should also record the meal we had with Mr. Chou and his wife at noon.
今天總共走了 14,832 步,6.24 英里 (約 10 公里)。當然也要記錄一下中午與老周夫婦一起吃飯。

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