Taiwan Travel Journal 2024.05.17 台灣旅行日記 (松山文化創意園區, 誠品生活松菸)

The Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, commonly known as Songyan, was originally a tobacco factory. Address: No. 133, Guangfu South Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City. During the Japanese colonial period in 1905, the Taiwan Soutokufu implemented the “Taiwan Tobacco Monopoly System” to address financial and tax constraints. In 1911, a tobacco factory was established near today’s Dadaocheng. Besides serving the Taiwan market, it supplied Japanese troops fighting in mainland China and exported products to Southeast Asia. Due to supply shortages, the Songshan Tobacco Factory was built in 1937 in today’s Songshan District/Xinyi District. It pioneered industrial modernization in Taiwan, becoming the first professional cigarette factory. The factory featured a simple and elegant architectural style, introducing the concept of an “industrial village.” Complete labor welfare facilities, including employee dormitories, baths, medical rooms, and nurseries, made it a model for industrial factories. After Japan’s surrender in 1945, the Republic of China continued tobacco-related production, significantly contributing to fiscal revenue. In 1998, due to urban planning shifts, restructuring of public tobacco sales, and declining cigarette demand, the factory ceased production. In 2001, Taipei City designated it as the 99th municipal historic site. The Songshan Cultural and Creative Park now operates under a consortium, hosting domestic and foreign art exhibitions. We went during the week, so there were fewer stalls and exhibitions.
松山文創園區通稱松菸 (地址: 臺北市信義區光復南路133號),它原是一座菸草工場。在 1905 年日治時期, 台灣總督府為了彌補財政稅收上捉襟見肘的窘境,推行「台灣菸草專賣制度」。1911年先在今日的大稻埕附近建菸草工場,除供應台灣市場所需之外,也供應給在中國大陸打仗的日軍,並外銷到東南亞地區,有供不應求的現象。因而在1937年於今日的松山區/信義區又興建了松山菸草工廠。這裏是當時台灣推動工業廠房現代化的先驅,也是台灣第一座專業的捲菸廠,以簡潔典雅的建築風格建造,並引入「工業村」概念,附設有完整的勞工福利設施如員工宿舍、男女浴池、更衣室、醫護室、藥局、手術室、福利社、育嬰室、托兒所等,堪稱當時工業廠房之楷模。1945年日本投降後,中華民國政府繼續製作菸草有關的產品,對財政收益貢獻非凡。1998年,隨著臺北市市區都市規劃東移、公賣改制、香菸需求量下降等原因,松山菸廠停止生產。2001年,臺北市政府將「松山菸廠」指定為第99處市定古蹟。2011年臺北市政府文化局委託財團法人營運管理松山文創園區直到今日,是近年國內外藝文展覽辦展的熱門場地。我們是週間去的,所以擺攤的展覽較少。

From May 3rd to June 11th, 2024, the school festival embraced the theme of “My Way.” The intention was to encourage graduates to embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploring their unique life directions and crafting their own paths. Notably, on May 17th, the Interior Design Department of Chung Yuan University showcased their graduation exhibition at this event.
2024-05-03 - 2024-06-11 學園祭以「吾所_Way」,作為主題,希望畢業生以探索自己的人生方向出發,創造屬於自己的人生。5月17日,在這展出的是中原大學室內設計系的畢業作品展。

"Eslite Life Songyan" is right next to Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. In 2016, it was selected by CNN as one of the 14 coolest department stores in the world. In 2024, there will be a new 24-hour bookstore. In addition to this twenty four seven bookstore, there are also Multicultural aspects such as galleries, cinemas, performance halls, wine cellars, art and cultural travel, fashion design, and handicraft experiences attract lovers of music, reading, art, and design to visit and experience it.
「誠品生活松菸」就在松山文化創意園區的旁邊,2016 年曾被 CNN 評選為全球14家最酷百貨之一,2024年又有全新24小時書店,除了這不打烊書店外,又匯聚畫廊、電影院、表演廳、酒窖、藝文行旅、時尚設計、手作體驗等多元文化面向,吸引喜愛音樂、閱讀、藝術和設計的愛好者來探訪體驗。

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