Taiwan Travel Journal 2024.05.16 台灣旅行日記 (二二八和平紀念公園, 國立臺灣博物館, 古生物館, 總統府)

On May 16, 2024, we explored the “228 Peace Memorial Park”. When I was a child, this park bore the name “Taihoku (Taipei) New Park”. In earlier times, it was simply known as “Taipei Park.”As far back as 1888 during the Qing Dynasty, Taiwan Governor Liu Mingchuan erected a temple here to honor Mazu. However, around 1912, typhoons severely damaged the temple. Despite subsequent urban reconstruction, remnants of stone relics still grace the park. During the Japanese colonial period starting in 1895, the Japanese government introduced a modern urban planning system, aiming to transform Taiwan’s traditional urban landscape. Thus, this European-style urban park took shape and was initially completed in 1908. Because it was constructed after Taipei’s first major park—Yuanshan Park, which was finished in 1897—it earned the name “Taihoku New Park.”After World War II, the Republic of China assumed control of Taiwan in 1945, and the New Park fell under its jurisdiction. However, in 1947, the February 28th Incident marked the beginning of an uprising in Taiwan, accompanied by social conflicts and violent bloodshed. In an effort to honor history and ease collective pain, the park was renamed “228 Peace Memorial Park” in 1996. The 228 Peace Monument embodies the theme of finding order amidst chaos. Its design is rich with symbolism. The base is composed of three cubes standing at one corner and bonded to each other on one side to demonstrate order and stability. The sphere, upon which inscriptions rest, symbolizes the restoration of natural order. Within the pool lies an urn—a peaceful resting place for victims. Water flows from the urn’s neck, nourishing stone hoes that symbolize Taiwan’s prehistoric ancestors. The sound of the waterfall soothes mourners’ spirits, drowning out noise and turmoil. Visitors can place their hands on the palm print, leaning forward in reverence to express condolences. The urn’s neutral, ancient tablet-like form conveys our shared heritage as descendants of the Chinese nation, emphasizing unity over division.
2024 年 5 月 16 日我們去探訪「二二八和平紀念公園」。我小的時候,這個公園叫作「臺北新公園」,更早時,它有「臺北公園」之稱。早在清朝 1888 年,臺灣巡撫劉銘傳於此建廟祭祀媽祖,在 1912 年前後因受颱風嚴重毀損及市區改正等緣故,廟遭拆除,所以在公園中仍可看到部分石造遺物。1895年後日治時期,日本政府引進了近代都市計畫制度,意圖改造臺灣傳統的城市空間,因此在 1908 年初步完成了這個有歐洲風格的都市公園。由於它比 1897 年落成的臺北第一座大型公園 - 圓山公園建的晚,所以改名為「臺北新公園」。第二次世界大戰結束後,中華民國於 1945 年接管臺灣,新公園也收歸於中華民國。1947 年二二八事件,這裏是全臺反抗活動蜂起的開端,之後也演發出許多社會衝突與暴力流血事件,為追溯歷史及撫平傷痛,1996 年新公園被改名為「二二八和平公園」。「中央二二八紀念碑」以從無秩序導出秩序來做主題,基座以一角站立、一邊互黏合的三個正方體組成,以彰顯秩序和穩定。放置碑文的球體碑是用圓球象徵恢復自然順序。水池中埋有甕體,涵意入土為安。水流從甕頸脖的鏤空處,流入衝擊象徵臺灣史前時期先民的石鋤,以瀑布大的聲響使哀悼者精神收束、排除喧嘩。人們可將雙手放進手掌印上,使身體前傾低頭以作哀悼。甕體中立的琮是古代牌位的樣子,傳達同為炎黃子孫莫要再分彼此。

Outdoor music stage 露天音樂台

Taiwan Gokoku Shrine bronze horse 臺灣護國神社銅馬 (台灣護國神社建築改為國民革命忠烈祠, 這隻神馬移至此。銅馬左右腹側有模糊印紋,該印紋應是臺灣護國神社社紋。其外側紋樣為櫻,內部是代表臺灣總督府的台字紋。)

Peace bell 和平鐘,國際獅子會1998年捐建

Statue of Confucius 至聖先師孔子像

Statue of Confucius 孔子像與杏壇基座

Huang's Memorial Archway 黃氏節孝坊

Cuiheng (Tsui Heng) Pagoda.Pagoda and pavilions were built in 1963 to commemorate Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the four founding fathers (Zheng Chenggong, Liu Mingchuan, Qiu Fengjia, Lian Yatang). 翠亨閣,1963年新建的中國式庭台樓閣群是為紀念孫中山先生以及四位開臺先賢而建,四角則各有一座涼亭,內各有一位「開台先賢」的銅像,分別是鄭成功的「大木亭」、劉銘傳的「大潛亭」、丘逢甲的「滄海亭」及連雅堂 的「劍花亭」。

The National Taiwan Museum is located on the north side of the park. It was built during the Japanese colonial era (1899) and is the oldest museum in Taiwan. The museum's former name was the "Taiwan Governor's Mansion Museum" and was listed as a national monument of the Republic of China. The National Taiwan Museum system includes ths Main Museum, which displays Taiwan's natural and human history, the Land Bank Exhibition Hall of National Taiwan Museum, which displays the development of Taiwan's financial institutions and earth sciences, National Taiwan Museum Nanmen Branch, which displays Taiwan's industrial history, and the National Taiwan Museum Railway Department Park, which displays Taiwan's modernity.

We really like the "Taiwan. My Home - Children's Discovery Exhibition" in the basement. There are six major display units here: "Stones Can Talk", "Forest Amusement Park", "Migratory Birds' Island Travel", "The Island's Past and Past", "Island's Outline", and "Endless Life". Use storytelling, cultural relics, and interactive devices to guide children to experience and think about Taiwan’s nature and humanity.

At noon, we went to eat at Lao Wang Ji Beef Noodles, a long-established Taipei beef noodle shop that opened in 1956 (Address: No. 15, Taoyuan Street, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City). We ordered braised beef noodles and pork knuckle noodles with clear beef broth, which were delicious.
中午去吃1956年開業的台北牛肉麵老店 - 桃源街老王記牛肉麵 (地址:北市中正區桃源街15號)。我們點了紅燒牛肉麵及加了清湯牛肉湯的豬腳麵,真好吃。

After savoring the noodles, we strolled over back to the 228 Peace Memorial Park. On the way, I spotted a Starbucks at the intersection of Chongqing South Road and Hengyang Road. What caught my eye was its charming century-old house style. Originally, it preserved the appearance of the Tsujiri Tea Shop, once operated by Japanese businessman Miyoshi Tokusaburō on Sakaemachi Street back in 1899. Now, this Starbucks stands as Taiwan’s first image store, embracing an artistic space theme. The Hive Taipei nearby offers services such as business registration, rental office space, and event venues. Remarkably, it also maintains the architectural elegance of an arched western-style house from the Japanese colonial period.
吃完麵後,我們又逛回到二二八和平紀念公園。在路上看到位在重慶南路與衡陽路交叉口的星巴克,有著百年古宅的風貌,原來它的外觀仍保留1899年日本商人三好德三郎在榮町所經營的辻利茶舖的樣貌,現在是星巴克在台灣第一家以藝文空間為主題的形象門市。附近的台北蜂巢 The Hive Taipei 提供商業登記及出租辦公室空間和活動場地的服務,也保有日治時期的拱門洋樓古老風格。

Just outside the park, at No. 2 Hengyang Road, stands “Parkside Plume Juice”, a nostalgic establishment founded in the 1960s. My childhood memories come flooding back—I recall how our parents would frequently bring us here during our trips to Taipei. We’d sip on sour plum drinks and indulge in three scoops ice cream. Today, those sweet recollections warm my heart once more.
在公園外的衡陽路 2 號,矗立著一家 1960 年代創立的「公園號酸梅湯」,我的童年記憶如潮水般湧上心頭,記得小時候,爸媽帶我們上台北,常會帶我們來這裏喝酸梅湯及三色冰淇淋。今天又重溫那些甜蜜的回憶。

For a mere NT$30 (equivalent to less than $1 in U.S. dollars), you can explore both the Main Museum and the Land Bank Exhibition Hall at the National Taiwan Museum. We visited the Land Bank Exhibition Hall in the afternoon. The building’s history is fascinating: originally, it served as the Taipei Branch of The Nippon Kangyo Bank, Ltd., completed back in 1933. During that era, it functioned as a bank specializing in real estate and settlement finance. However, after World War II, the government of the Republic of China took over, transforming it into the publicly owned Land Bank of Taiwan Head Office. In 1991, recognizing its historical significance, the site was designated as a Taipei City Historic Site. Then, in 2007, a collaborative effort between the National Taiwan Museum and the bank led to a restoration and reuse project for this historic location. Finally, in 2010, it reopened as the present-day Land Bank Exhibition Hall of National Taiwan Museum.
一張台幣 30 元 (美金不到1元) 的門票,就能參觀國立臺灣博物館本館及古生物館,下午便到古生物館看看。古生物館的前身是 1933年 落成的日本勸業銀行的臺北分行,是當時辦理不動產及拓殖金融業務的銀行。二戰後中華民國政府接收,改作為公營的臺灣土地銀行總行,1991年被指定為臺北市市定古蹟。2007年與國立臺灣博物館合作進行古蹟修復及再利用計畫,於2010年開館成為現今的國立臺灣博物館古生物館。

In order to present the theme of the exhibition on the history of The Nippon Kangyo Bank, Ltd. and Land Bank of Taiwan, a part of the museum displays display objects centered on the vault, so as to understand the history of the bank and experience the closure, security and sense of history of the vault.

Hand Calculator 手搖計算機
Bank Vault 金庫
Traditional Eastern Financial Institutions - Private Banks, Draft Banks, Money Changers 東方傳統金融機構 - 錢莊、票號、兩替商
Modern Western Financial Institutions - Banks 西方現代金融機構 - 銀行
Tea Making and Tea Trade in the Quing Dynasty 清代茶葉製造及交易
Historical Site: Bank Vault 金庫原貌

Another part of the museum is a natural history museum that explores the evolution of paleontology, displaying dinosaur and other paleontological fossils.

On the way home, we went around to the Presidential Office Building to take a look. In preparation for the swearing-in ceremony of the new president on May 20, there were scaffolding outside the Presidential Office Building.

This picture was taken in 2014
This picture was taken in March of 2024.

Travel/Point of Interest Posts 旅遊景點帖子