Taiwan Travel Journal 2024.05.15 台灣旅行日記 (劍潭山步道, 北藝中心, 士林夜市)

I gathered information about several trails in Taiwan and decided to explore one in Taipei that day. Initially, I aimed for an easier trail, so I chose the Jiantan Mountain Trail. We hopped on the MRT red line and took Exit 2 at Jiantan Station. Following the signs, we walked for 10 to 15 minutes until we reached the trailhead. However, as we surveyed the stairs, we realized that this trail wasn’t as easy as we had assumed. It turned out to be the fifth section of the Taipei Grand Trail. Despite the unexpected challenge, we decided to embrace the opportunity and explore further.
我收集了好幾條台灣步道的資訊,這一天想去走走台北的步道,原先想選一條比較輕鬆的,就選了劍潭山步道。我們坐捷運紅線在劍潭站 2 號出口出來,依著指標走 10~15 分鐘,便到了步道登山口,一看那些階梯,才知道這條步道並沒有像想像中的容易,原來這裏是台北大縱走第五段。我們想既然來了,就去走走看。

As we walked along the trail, we encountered numerous signs and branching paths, which left us a bit confused. However, I placed my trust in my daughter’s sense of direction and maintained the mindset that we could always ask for help if needed. I enjoyed the wild flowers and scenery with peace of mind along the way. We also encountered numerous butterflies during our trail walk. Among them was a striking black butterfly adorned with a shimmering royal blue band. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to capture any photographs of these beautiful creatures.

Radio Taiwan International (RTI) Yuanshan Microwave Station 中央廣播電臺 圓山微波站

Beiyan Observatory 北眼平台

Beiyan Observatory 北眼平台

Weifeng Observatory 微風平台

Weifeng Observatory 微風平台

Taipei Performing Arts Center 臺北表演藝術中心

Mount Guanyin 觀音山

In 1993, the Sports Administration, MOE initiated a plan to promote mountaineering for all. They identified 100 “suburban mountains” that were distinctive, representative, not too high in altitude, and conveniently located near urban areas. These mountains were selected from the suburban regions of various counties and cities in Taiwan. The project was named “Taiwan Xiao Bai Yue” (Top 100 Small Mountains). Interestingly, I wasn’t aware that Jiantan Mountain, standing at approximately 153 meters above sea level, is among the 100 smaller mountains in Taiwan.

I saw the triangulation point on the mountain and took the opportunity to research what it was. The triangulation point serves as the base reference for cartographic mapping. Surveyors carefully select prominent mountain peaks as measurement points. They then measure the azimuth angles between multiple points and calculate the straight-line distances (known as side lengths) connecting these points. By determining the coordinates of these side lengths and establishing the flat positions of various points, they proceed to measure the altitudes of these points. This precise process is known as triangulation. The fixed foundation stone, buried at the designated measurement point, becomes the triangulation point. These points are typically constructed from durable materials, such as granite. In Taiwan, mountains are categorized into different orders based on their side lengths: First Order: Average side length of approximately 45 kilometers. Second Order: Average side length of around 8 kilometers. Third Order: Average side length of about 4 kilometers. Fourth Order: Average side length of approximately 2 kilometers. As a result, the viewing experience varies: First-order mountain tops: Offer the most expansive vistas. Second-order views: Rank second in terms of panoramic scenery. Third-order views: Provide satisfactory perspectives. Fourth-order views: Tend to be less impressive. Interestingly, atop Jiantan Mountain, there exists a second-order triangular point foundation stone, numbered 1064.
我在山上看到三角點,趁機研究一下這是什麼。三角點就是繪製地圖的“三角測量基點”,測量員選擇較突出的山頭(山頂)作為測量點,測量多點方位角,再測定點與點之間的直線距離(稱為邊長),依邊長計算座標,決定多點平位置,再測 算多點海拔高度,這就是三角測量。依測量點所埋設的固定基石,就是三角點。 三角點多用質地堅硬(如花崗石)做石椿。台灣山岳依其邊長來分等,一等平均邊長為四十五公里,二等為八公里,三等四公里,四等二公里。所以山頭展望一等 最遼闊,二等次之,三等還可以,四等最差。劍潭山山頂有二等三角點基石,編號1064。

After passing the triangulation point, walk towards the "Old Place Airplane Observation Deck" and continue to enjoy the scenery along the way.

We finally arrived at the "Old Place Airplane Observation Deck", which is 165 meters above sea level. In addition to being able to see the entire Songshan Airport, looking to the left, you can also see the Neihu and the Miramar business district.

Going down the mountain didn’t feel as challenging. Despite the numerous stairs, I descended at a leisurely pace. A sense of accomplishment washed over me—I had indeed conquered a hill today.

After going down the mountain, we walked to the Tainan Seafood and Lounge located at B1, No. 130 Jihe Road, Shilin, for lunch. This is a place for festive banquets and company gatherings. The outside environment is quite unique and the food is different. We come here. Try something new.

Fried oyster rolls 炸蚵卷

Hoof and sea cucumber in pot 虎蹄海參煲

Penghu Prawns 澎湖明蝦

Beijing scallion pancake 京蔥酥餅

After lunch, we ventured to the Taipei Performing Arts Center, situated opposite Jiantan MRT Station. This architectural marvel boasts a truly distinctive shape, a creation by the renowned architects Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten from the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA). The design concept draws inspiration from the iconic Yuanyang Spicy Hot Pot found at Shilin Night Market, seamlessly weaving Taiwan’s ultimate aesthetics into the spatial layout. The exterior curtain wall system features S-wave glass, adding to the building’s allure. But what truly sets it apart is the ingenious architectural structure known as the “theater magic cube.” This design allows the theaters within to operate independently or be flexibly combined. Let’s explore its theatrical offerings: One Grand Theater: With a seating capacity of 1,500; Two Spherical Mirror-Framed Theaters: Each accommodating 800 seats; Various Medium-Sized Theaters. Remarkably, these three theaters can function autonomously. However, when large-scale performances demand it, two theaters can merge to form a “super theater”—a colossal space that accommodates 2,550 seats. A stage can stretch 65 meters in length and 18 meters in width.
吃完飯去捷運劍潭站對面的臺北表演藝術中心(簡稱北藝中心)參觀,這個建築的造型非常特別,它是由荷蘭大都會建築事務所(OMA)雷姆.庫哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)及大衛. 希艾萊特(David Gianotten)設計,其設計理念源自士林夜市鴛鴦麻辣鍋,充分發揮空間運用的台灣極致美學。外牆的帷幕牆系統由 S 波浪玻璃組成,「劇場魔術方塊」的創意建築結構,讓劇場既各自獨立,又可變化結合,這裏有一座 1500 席的大劇院、兩座 800 席的球形鏡框式及多形式中型劇場。三座劇場平時可獨立運作;若需大型演出,還可將其中兩個劇場連通組合成可容納 2550 席、長 65 公尺、寬 18 公尺的「超級大劇場」。

After a refreshing break in the air-conditioned comfort of the Taipei Performing Arts Center, we set our sights on the renowned Shilin Night Market, conveniently located nearby. This vibrant market revolves around the historic Shilin Public Market, a site designated by the city. The original Shilin Market dates back to 1910 and underwent planning and renovations in 1999. However, by 2002, due to concerns related to ventilation, sanitation, environmental factors, and public safety, the original market had to close its doors. What remained were the sturdy brick market buildings from the Japanese colonial era. Subsequently, the surrounding area transformed into the bustling Shilin Night Market, now Taipei’s largest and Taiwan’s most frequented night market. Our timing was a tad early, as many vendors and shops were yet to open. After leisurely strolling through the market, we decided to head home and rest. Our step count for the day? A whopping 17,619 steps, equivalent to nearly 12 kilometers (7.43 miles).
在臺北表演藝術中心吹冷氣休息一下後,我們決定去附近有名的士林夜市逛逛。士林夜市是以市定古蹟士林公有市場為中心,士林市場早在西元1910年即已興建,在1999年進行規劃改建,2002年因通風、衛生、環境、公共安全等問題,原士林市場被拆除改建,僅保留日治時代的磚造市場建築。後來附近地區演變成士林夜市,成為在台北市內最大、全台打卡次數最高的夜市。由於我們去太早了,許多攤販及店鋪都尚未開門,我們走一走,便決定回家休息。因為這天已經走了 17,619 步, 將近 12 公里 (7.43 英里)。

Travel/Point of Interest Posts 旅遊景點帖子