Prose 生活隨筆: Bulb/Bubble 電燈泡似的奇思/稍縱即逝的亂想氣泡

(This post was published on my old blog on April 21, 2022.)
(這篇貼文在 2022 年 4 月 21 日發表於我的舊部落格。)

As I was writing my 500th post, I noticed that I have been feeling heavy and down for a while and I don’t know why. But thanks to the Lord, I stumbled across several interviews. Suddenly, an ah-ha moment appeared in my head. The light came out like a light bulb suddenly getting electricity. When I dig deeper, isn’t an idea, creativity, thoughts sometimes blown out like a bubble too? If you don’t pay attention, it will soon burst or fly away. I’m so excited that this thought gives me an idea to create a topic with this theme. I don’t know how much light or bubbles will be produced, but let me get it to start first!

當我在寫第 500 篇帖文時,我發覺我感到心靈的沉重及壓抑有一陣子了,我也不知道為什麼,但是感謝神,讓我無意間看到了幾個訪問 (【二胡談心S2】EP8_什麼都可以但別跟我說教會│女強人居然會向這妥協 , 【二胡談心S2】EP1_施孝榮的成名之路(上)│因緣際會下接觸國術,卻差點被打死在比賽檯上,神蹟就發生了, 【二胡談心S2】EP5_ 施孝榮的成名之路(下)│意外爆紅成為名歌手,滿戴明星光環卻仍不滿足!?以及朱天文與朱天心被陳文茜的訪問),突然腦袋像個燈泡通了電似的,一閃,光蹦了出來。再想想有時候一個想法、創意、冥思不是也像一個氣泡被吹出,你一不留意,它也就稍縱即逝?我好興奮,這給了我一個奇想,何不以此為題來創作呢?我也不知這個突發奇想會發出多少光或吹出多少泡泡,反正先起個頭再說吧!

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