Prose 生活隨筆: Restart 重新開始

(This post was published on my old blog on June 26, 2020.)
(這篇貼文在 2020 年 6 月 26 日發表於我的舊部落格。)

“Seven states are reporting new highs for current coronavirus hospitalizations”. “California reported 5,019 new coronavirus cases for 2020.06.23, the highest number reported in a single day since the pandemic began. Then reported 7,149 new cases the next day which hit another record high”. Sometimes the news just gets me rattled. I remembered I took a walk one day and I felt I heard a voice saying to me “Living in this moment!” “Without fear” “Make each day count”. Living in the pandemic world, we should be extra cautious and follow all the health guidelines but stay calm and peaceful without fear and not in panic. It helps me to keep going by believing every day is a new day, new beginning, new start, new opportunity, new discovery, new blessing and new provision.

Lamentations 3:22-26
It is Jehovah’s lovingkindness
that we are not consumed,
for His compassions do not fail;
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
Jehovah is my portion, says my soul;
Therefore I hope in Him.
Jehovah is good to those who wait on Him,
to the soul that seeks Him.
It is good for one to hope,
and to do so in silence,
for the salvation of Jehovah.
耶利米哀歌 3:22-26

「因新冠肺炎而住院的人數在七個州都創了最高的新紀錄」。「加州在2020.06.23的單日新增5,019新冠肺炎病例,創了自新冠爆發以來最高數目。次日新增確診7,149例再次創新高」。看到這一串新聞讓我不禁感到不安。記得有一天散步時, 我感覺有個聲音對我說, 「不要害怕」、「勇敢活岀每一刻」、「活岀你生命的意義」。在疫情猖獗或尚未消聲匿跡時, 我們必需遵循公共衛生單位的指示,卻無需成天緊張兮兮, 坐立難安。 抱著「每一天都是新的一天、新的開始、新的機會、新發現、新祝福及新供應」的信念,我才能安穩過活。

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