Prose 生活隨筆: Hear, See, Recognize, Identify 聽,看,體認與辯示

(This post was published on my old blog on June 12, 2020.)

I was wondering why I never saw any western bluebirds before. I realize that is because I do not know their existence in the past so I have never noticed them. Once I am able to identify them (see my post about western bluebird), I see them here and there.

My husband and I discovered Peck Road Conservation Park in 2018. When we took a walk in the park, I often saw people with cameras or binoculars. Sometimes I would ask a person what they were watching, how would they identify the bird… Then gradually I started bird watching. I think I started in 2019. I remembered a woman who told me to go to the All About Bird site and use the Merlin Bird ID app to learn about birds. She also told me to learn to hear their calls. At the time I did not understand what she talked about. Now I get it. I usually hear them first before I look for them or see them. The idea of writing this post half comes from I hear loud calls from a bunch of Red-crowned Parrots. They are migrating back now. Although I didn’t get a good picture today (slow reaction), I know their calls and what they looked like. (The first picture was from 2020.06.11 and the last one was from 2019.05.20) I recognize the parrots based on my past experience.

From the above two birding stories, I learned many times we are not aware of the issues because of our ignorance. In order to know a bird’s existence, we need to hear it and/or see it and then identify it. Social issues are the same. To understand a social issue we need to hear different sides/aspects of the story and observe various situations. Then, we might be able to recognize, discern and identify the real issue. Once we know the issue, then we can work with others to find the solutions.

Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
But fools despise wisdom and instruction.
箴言 1:7
Proverbs 4:5-8
Get wisdom!
Get understanding!
Do not forget,
nor turn away from the words of my mouth.
Do not forsake her,
and she will preserve you;
Love her, and she will keep you.
Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting,
get understanding.
Exalt her,
and she will promote you;
She will bring you honor,
when you embrace her.
箴言 4:5-8
Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is that good
and acceptable and perfect will of God.
羅馬書 12:2


我和我先生是在2018年發現 Peck Road Conservation Park,我在公園散步時,常看到有人拿著相機或望遠鏡,我有時候會好奇的問人家在看什麼,照什麼,怎麼認岀來那是什麼… 慢慢的我在 2019 也開始觀鳥。記得有一位女士告訴我在 All About Bird 網路上可以學到有關鳥的知識,而且可以用 Merlin Bird ID 軟體來辨認鳥,她還告訴我要學著聽鳥叫,當時我一頭霧水不明白為什麼,現在終於懂了,因為我通常會先聽到鳥叫聲,然後順著聲去找鳥、看鳥。寫這篇文章的靈感一半也是因為聽到一群 Red-crowned Parrots 飛過頭頂嘈雜的叫聲來的。它們最近又開始遷徙到這附近來。雖然我一聽到聲音,抬起頭按快門,反應還是有點遲鈍,沒有照到好照片。但是從過去的經驗,我認得岀它們的叫聲也知道它們長什麼樣子。(前一張照片攝於2020.06.11, 最後一張攝於2019.05.20)


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