Prose 生活隨筆: Color Blind 色盲

(This post was published on my old blog on June 20, 2020.)
(這篇貼文在 2020 年 6 月 20 日發表於我的舊部落格。)

When I came across an Instagram post from Joanna Gaines, I learned to look at skin color or race from a different perspective. The Gaines family joined Emmanuel Acho for an episode of a video series “Uncomfortable Conversation with a Black Man”. Before watching this episode, I thought looking at race with color blindness was good because I treated everyone the same regardless of the color of the skin. Now I think embracing color is better because there is beauty seeing in color and the culture associated with it. As a Chinese living in America I can echo the notion of culture differences in each race. Even within the same race, you can also find differences in culture by region, by socioeconomic status or other factors. Acknowledging the differences does not divide us but helps us to treasure and respect the uniqueness and distinctiveness of each group. Through education, we will be able to understand the difference. Through compassion and empathy we can bridge the gaps.

當我看了 Joanna Gaines 在 Instagram 上發布的影片,我學會了從不同的角度來看膚色或種族的問題。 Gaines 一家人上了 Emmanuel Acho “與黑人不舒服的對話”的一系列討論影集。 在觀看本集之前,我以為不用有色眼光看種族問題是一件好事,因為我覺得應該對不同膚色的人一視同仁。 而現在我學會了應該擁抱(看重)色彩(膚色),因為在不同膚色及其連帶而來的文化中可以看到不同動人的美麗。 作為居住在美國的華人,我能深深體會種族所帶來的文化差異。 即使在同一個種族中,你也可以因為地區及社會經濟地位等等看到文化差異。承認這些差異並不表示會造成社會的分裂,可能反而可以幫助我們珍惜及尊重其獨特性。 通過教育,我們將能夠理解其間的差異。 通過同情和同連心,我們可以縮小其間的差距。

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