Plant: Acacia decurrens 線葉金合歡

When I am in the Australian garden in the Los Angeles Arboretum, I often smell very fragrant flowers, such as eucalyptus, in the springtime. I will also see some special plants. Walking into the garden in mid-February, I saw the bright yellow Acacia decurrens from afar. It was very spectacular. When I approached it, I saw the flowers like small balls of yarn hanging on the tree and they were very cute. Acacia decurrens, commonly known as black wattle or early green wattle. It is native to Australia and introduced to many parts of the world as an ornamental, shade, firewood and shelter, but mostly for its use in the tannin dye industry. The flowers are used to produce yellow dye, and the seed pods are used to produce green dye. The flowers are edible and are used in fritters. An edible gum oozing from the tree’s trunk can be used as a lesser-quality substitute for gum arabic.

Photo Date: 2022.02.15 Location: LA Arboretum
Photo Date: 2023.01.17 Location: LA Arboretum

Notes 筆記

  • Acacia decurrens, commonly known as black wattle or early green wattle.
  • Acacia decurrens is a woody flowering shrub or tree. It is a fast-growing tree. The small yellow or golden-yellow flowers are very cottony in appearance and are densely attached to the stems in each head. They are bisexual and fragrant. The flowers have five petals and sepals and numerous conspicuous stamens.
  • It is native to Australia and introduced to many parts of the world as an ornamental, shade, firewood and shelter, but mostly for its use in the tannin dye industry. The flowers are used to produce yellow dye, and the seed pods are used to produce green dye. The flowers are edible and are used in fritters. An edible gum oozing from the tree’s trunk can be used as a lesser-quality substitute for gum arabic.
  • Despite its invasive nature, it has not been declared a noxious weed by any state or Australian government body.
  • 線葉金合歡,俗名為黑荊樹或早綠荊樹。
  • 線葉金合歡是一種木本開花灌木或喬木。它是一種快速生長的樹。黃色、金黃色的小花在外觀上非常像棉花,密集地附著在每個頭的莖上。它們是雌雄同體的,而且很香。花有五片花瓣和萼片,有許多明顯的雄蕊。
  • 它原產於澳大利亞,作為裝飾、遮蔭,柴火和遮蔽物,被引入世界許多地方,但主要用於單寧染料工業。花用於黃色染料,種子莢用於綠色染料。它的花是可食用的,用來做油炸餡餅。從樹幹滲出的可食用樹膠可用作質量較差的阿拉伯樹膠替代品。
  • 雖然它具有侵入性,但尚未被任何州或澳大利亞政府機構宣佈為有毒雜草。

Plants Posts 植物的帖子

References 參考資料