Plant: Acacia cultriformis 刀葉相思

Acacia cultriformis has triangle-shaped phyllodes and bright yellow flowers. The common names include the knife-leaf wattle, dogtooth wattle, half-moon wattle or golden-glow wattle. It is native to Australia. It is widely cultivated, and has been found to have naturalized in Asia, Africa, North America, New Zealand and South America.

Photo Date: 2021.02.16 Location: LA Arboretum
Photo Date: 2020.02.18 Location: LA Arboretum

Notes 筆記

  • Acacia cultriformis is known as the knife-leaf wattle, dogtooth wattle, half-moon wattle or golden-glow wattle.
  • It is native to Australia. It is widely cultivated, and has been found to have naturalized in Asia, Africa, North America, New Zealand and South America.
  • It has triangle-shaped phyllodes. The bright yellow flowers and attractive foliage make it a popular garden plant.
  • It is grown in a wide range of soils and can tolerate frosts. It grows in sun or part shade.
  • Acacia cultriformis is used as cut flowers. The flowers are edible and they are an ingredient used in some fritters. Yellow dye is extracted from the flowers and green dye is extracted from the seed pods.
  • Acacia cultriformis 又名刀葉相思、刀葉合歡、犬齒相思、犬齒合歡、半月相思或金光合歡。
  • 它原產於澳大利亞。它被大量培育,也已經移植到亞洲、非洲、北美、紐西蘭和南美。
  • 它有三角形的葉狀。鲜黃色花朵和迷人的葉子使它成為一種受歡迎的園林植物。
  • 它可生長在各種土壤中,可以忍受霜凍。它可在陽光下或部分遮蔭區域生長。耐旱,可用於防治水土流失。
  • 刀葉相思可拿來插花。這些花是可食用的,用來做油炸餡餅。從花中可提取的黃色染料,從種子莢中可提取綠色染料。

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References 參考資料