Plant: Abutilon 苘麻屬

I don’t know much about plants. I’m just a layman. I started to enjoy the flowers and trees around me after my retirement and wanted to learn about them. Why do I mention this? Because when I read and learn more about plants, I find that the color of the flower, the number of petals, the shape of the leaves… all might be the factors that contribute to the names of the plants. Abutilon is a large genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. There are about 200 species in the genus. The photos in this post are all of the Abutilon genus, but I don't know what species they are. Some I can guess and some I can't.

Abutilon pictum 風鈴花
Photo Date: 2021.12.21 Location: LA Arboretum
Photo Date: 2020.05.14 Location: LA County
Callianthe darwinii
Photo Date: 2020.11.17 Location: LA Arboretum
Photo Date: 2020.12.15 Location: LA Arboretum
Photo Date: 2021.12.21 Location: LA Arboretum
Photo Date: 2021.03.16 Location: LA Arboretum
Photo Date: 2021.03.16 Location: LA Arboretum

Notes for Abutilon 苘麻屬筆記

  • Abutilon is a large genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. There are about 200 species in the genus. It is distributed throughout the tropics and subtropics of the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Australia. General common names include Indian mallow and velvetleaf; ornamental varieties may be known as room maple, parlor maple, or flowering maple.
  • The herbage is generally hairy to woolly or bristly. The leaf blades are usually entire, but the occasional species has lobed leaves. They are palmately veined and have wavy or serrated edges. Flowers are solitary, paired, or borne in small inflorescences in the leaf axils or toward the branch tips. The calyx is bell-shaped with five lobes. The corolla is usually bell-shaped to wheel-shaped, with five petals joined at the bases.
  • 苘麻屬是錦葵科開花植物的大屬。本屬約有200種。分佈於美洲、非洲、亞洲、澳洲的熱帶、亞熱帶地區。一般俗名包括印度錦葵和絨毛葉;觀賞品種可能被稱為室內楓樹、客廳楓樹或開花楓樹。
  • 草本植物通常有毛,如毛茸茸的羊毛或如硬鬃毛。葉片通常是完整的,但偶爾的物種有淺裂的葉子。 它們有掌狀紋理,邊緣呈波浪狀或鋸齒狀。花單生、成對或生於葉腋或枝尖的小花序。花萼呈鐘形,有五裂片。花冠通常為鐘形至輪形,五個花瓣基部相連。

Notes for Abutilon pictum 風鈴花筆記

  • Abutilon pictum, syn. Abutilon striatum (disputed), is native to southern Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Common names include redvein abutilon, red vein Indian mallow, redvein flowering maple, Chinese-lantern and red vein Chinese lanterns.
  • The Latin specific epithet pictum means “painted”.
  • The yellow to orange-red bell shaped flowers have prominent dark red veining, with five petals 2–4 cm long. It blooms from April to September, and longer in warmer subtropical areas. The flowers attract pollinators, such as native bees and hummingbirds.
  • The flowers are edible, raw or cooked, with the sweet flavor increasing the longer the bloom is open.
  • Abutilon pictum is cultivated as a popular ornamental plant, for use in gardens in subtropical and warm temperate climates. It is also planted in containers or pots, on patios and balconies outdoors, or as a winter house plant.
  • 風鈴花原產於巴西南部、阿根廷、巴拉圭和烏拉圭。俗名包括紅脈金鈴,紅脈印度錦葵,紅脈開花楓木,中國燈籠和紅脈中國燈籠。(註: 由別的資料中看到這花又可叫: 風鈴花,猩猩花、金鈴花、燈籠花、紋瓣懸鈴花(中國大陸)、宮燈花、吊燈花)。
  • 特定於拉丁語的名字“ pictum”的意思是“描畫的”。
  • 黃色至橙紅色的鐘形花具有明顯的深紅色脈紋,五個花瓣長 2–4 公分。它於四月至九月開花,花期在溫暖的亞熱帶地區則更長。花吸引了傳粉者,例如蜜蜂和蜂鳥。
  • 花朵可以食用,生食或煮熟都可,花朵開的時間越長,甜味就會增加。
  • 風鈴花是一種流行的觀賞植物,可用於亞熱帶和溫暖的溫帶氣候下的花園中。還可以將其種植在容器或盆中,戶外露台和陽台上,或作為冬房植物。

Plants Posts 植物的帖子

References 參考資料