Plant: Abiu (Pouteria caimito) 黃金果

I have never heard of or eaten abiu before. It turned out to be native to the Amazon region. When I saw it in Taiwan, out of curiosity, I hurriedly bought it to eat. The fruit is soft, smooth and creamy like a jelly with a comprehensive taste of lychee, persimmon and custard apple. In the United States of America, you can find it in Florida and Hawaii.
我以前從來沒聽過或吃過黃金果(别名: 黄晶果、雅美果、亞美果、加蜜蛋黃果)。原來它原產於亞馬遜地區。在臺灣看到它,出於好奇心,趕緊買來吃吃看。肉質吃起來Q嫩柔滑,像是吃果凍般,有著融合荔枝、柿子、釋迦的綜合口感。在美國,您可以在佛羅里達和夏威夷找到它。

Photo Date: 2021.08.12 Location: Taiwan

Notes 筆記

  • The abiu is a tropical fruit tree originated in the Amazonian region of South America. The abiu grows best in areas that have a year-round moist and warm climate. It grows wild in the lower eastern part of the Andes from southwestern Venezuela to Peru. In the Amazon basin, it is found to grow heavily in the northern Brazilian state of Pará. Within the United States, it grows well in South Florida as far north as Palm Beach County.
  • The fruit is known by different regional names: Brazil: abiu, Trinidad: yellow star apple or caimitt, Colombians: caimo, caimito amarillo or madura verde, Ecuador: luma or cauje, Venezuela: temare, Portugal: abieiro, Ghana: alasa or abio.
  • Mature abiu trees produce 100 to 1000 fruits each year. These have a pale, translucent pulp of a custard consistency that is easily scooped out with a spoon. The seeds are easily removed. The fruit has a sweet, mild taste, which may have a hint of pineapple, but is best described as reminiscent of caramel flan. It is often used in ice cream or eaten out of hand.
  • Unripe fruits contain a gummy and unpalatable latex that hardens upon exposure to air. Because mature fruits continue to ripen when picked, the harvest can be timed to allow for transportation to market. However, this period may be as short as five days. Maturation can be recognized by the pale green-to-yellow color break and the ripe fruit can be identified by its yellow coloration and a slight softness.
  • Abiu may have several flowering periods a year, with potential for both flowers and fruit on the tree at one time. The development time from flower to ripe fruit is about 3 months. The main crop season varies by climate.
  • The wood of the abiu tree is dense, heavy, and hard and is used as lumber in construction.
  • 黃金果(别名: 黄晶果、雅美果、亞美果、加蜜蛋黃果)是一種熱帶果樹,原產於南美洲的亞馬遜地區。它在全年潮濕溫暖氣候的地區生長最好。從委內瑞拉西南部到秘魯的安第斯山脈的下東部都可看到野生的黃金果。在亞馬遜盆地,它主要生長在巴西北部的帕拉州。在美國,它在南佛羅里達州向北至棕櫚灘縣生長良好。
  • 這種水果在不同的地區有不同的名稱。
  • 成熟的黃金果樹每年可結出 100 到 1000 個果實。它們淡黃色半透明果肉,呈奶油凍狀,很容易用勺子舀出。種子很容易去除。這種水果味道甜美、溫和,可能帶有一絲菠蘿的味道,它也讓人想起焦糖果餡餅的味道。它通常用於冰淇淋或可直接食用。
  • 未成熟的水果有粘性和難吃的乳膠,暴露在空氣中會變硬。由於成熟的果實在採摘時會繼續成熟,因此可以調整採摘時間,以便運輸到市場。但是這個時間段可能短至五天。成熟度可以藉由淡綠色到黃色的顏色變化來識別,成熟的水果可以藉黃色和輕微的柔軟度來識別。
  • 黃金果一年可能有幾個開花期,有可能同時在樹上開花結果。從開花到成熟果實的發育時間約為3個月。主要作物季節因氣候而異。
  • 黃金果樹的木材緻密、重且堅硬,在建築中可用作木材。

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