Prose 生活隨筆: Seize the opportunity, Cherish the moment 把握時機, 珍惜當下

Early in the morning on January 1, 2024, we rushed to eat breakfast to prepare to see the Rose Parade. In the corner of my eyes, I saw the red cloud of the sunrise appearing in the sky. I rushed upstairs, took out the camera, opened the footstool, stepped on the footstool, quickly took a picture, and then rushed downstairs to continue to eat breakfast. While I ran up and down the stairs for just a few seconds, the red color cloud disappeared. Maybe you don't care about the sunrise and sunset, or maybe you think it's no big deal and you'll have a chance to see it later. But some sceneries, some gatherings, and some occasions are precious. So, always be prepared to open your eyes, open your heart, seize the opportunity and cherish the moment.
2024年元旦一大早,我們趕著吃早飯準備去看玫瑰花車遊行,我一轉眼看到日出的紅彩,趕緊跑到樓上,拿出照相機,打開腳凳,踏上腳凳,快速拍了一張照片,又趕緊衝下樓繼續吃早飯,才在這跑上跑下數秒之間,紅彩已經消失。或許你不在乎日出日落,或許你想沒什麼大不了的以後還有機會看得到。但是有些風景、有些聚會、有些景況難能可貴,所以,常常準備睜開你的眼,打開你的心,把握時機, 珍惜當下。

In the New Year, New Blessings, New Hopes, New Wishes 新年新希望與新祝福 post, I wrote down my blessings for 2024 and will repeat them here. May your new year be filled with joy and peace. May you have a passionate soul and always have the curiosity to explore the world. May you find beauty and joy in the mundane. May you find peace and stability when you face the ebb and flows of life.
New Year, New Blessings, New Hopes, New Wishes 新年新希望與新祝福這篇帖子中,我寫下2024年的祝福,在此再重複一便。願你新的一年充滿喜樂與平安。願你有個熱情洋溢的靈魂,總是保有探索世界的好奇心。願你能於煩瑣與平淡中發現美好及樂趣。願你在面對人生的起伏時能找到平靜與安定。