World Through My Eyes: 2023.11 Canvas of Sky 天空的畫布

Whether it's early in the morning or at dusk, I often look out the window. Sometimes at just the right time, I seem to be peeping at a famous painter, holding a brush and freely showing off his skills in the vast sky. Sometimes it is a stunning cloud painting with breathtaking colors but sometimes it is just an abstract painting with simple lines. But often in the blink of an eye, the painter covers the painting with a piece of black cloth and the scene no longer exists, or turns the canvas over and the scene changes completely. Tomorrow... What will it be like tomorrow?
不管是一大清早或是黃昏落日之時,我常會不由自主的往窗外看看,有時候時間抓得正好,好像偷窺到一個聞名遐邇的畫家,拿著畫筆揮灑自如地在廣闊的天際大展身手,有時是用令人嘆為觀止的色彩畫出震撼人心的雲霞,有時只是簡單線條的抽像畫,但常常在眨眼間,畫家蓋了一塊黑布在畫上,景色就不復存在,或者是把畫布翻了個面,景色全然變調。明天... 明天又會是什麼樣兒呢?

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