Butterfly: Funereal Duskywing (Erynnis funeralis)

The funereal duskywing is a butterfly of the family Hesperiidae. It is found from southern California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, south to Argentina and Chile. The wingspan is 34–45 mm. It features black wings and white hindwing fringes. Its forewing is narrow and pointed, and the hindwing is somewhat triangular. I saw it in the herbs garden in the Huntington Library.
Funereal duskywing是弄蝶科的一種蝴蝶。它分佈於加利福尼亞州南部、亞利桑那州、新墨西哥州和德克薩斯州,南至阿根廷和智利。翼展為34-45公釐。它有黑色的翅膀和白色的後翅邊緣。它的前翅狹窄而尖,後翅略呈三角形。這是我在亨廷頓圖書館的藥草園裡看到的。

Photo Date: 2020.09.03 Location: Huntington Library

Notes 筆記

  • The funereal duskywing (Erynnis funeralis) is a butterfly of the family Hesperiidae. It is found from southern California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, south to Argentina and Chile.
  • The wingspan is 34–45 mm. It features black wings and white hindwing fringes. Its forewing is narrow and pointed, and the hindwing is somewhat triangular. It is named after its dark, somber coloration patterns.
  • Larvae feed on various plants, including Robinia neomexicana, Medicago hispida, Lotus scoparius, Olneya tesota, Vicia, and Acmispon. Adults feed on flower nectar.
  • Funereal duskywing(學名:Erynnis funeris)是弄蝶科的一種蝴蝶。 它分佈於加利福尼亞州南部、亞利桑那州、新墨西哥州和德克薩斯州,南至阿根廷和智利。
  • 翼展為34-45公釐。它有黑色的翅膀和白色的後翅邊緣。它的前翅狹窄而尖,後翅略呈三角形。它因其深色、陰沉的色彩圖案而得名。
  • 幼蟲以多種植物為食,包括刺槐、苜蓿、大地脈、沙漠油次黑豆、野豌豆和 Acmispon。 成蟲以花蜜為食。

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References 參考資料