Butterfly: Giant Swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes) 美洲大芷鳳蝶

The giant swallowtail, in the family Papilionidae, is the largest butterfly in North America. It is common across the United States, reaching as far north as southern New England and southern Canada. South of the United States, it is found in parts of Mexico and also found in Jamaica and Cuba. One of the giant swallowtail's most notable features is its size. Females have an average wingspan of 5.5 in to 6.9 in, while males' average is 5.8 in to 7.4 in. Because of the its notably large wingspan, it is a very strong flier and is able to glide long distances with very few wing beats. Though it is often valued in gardens for its striking appearance, its larval stage can be a serious pest to citrus farms, which has earned its caterpillars the names orange dog or orange puppy. Giant swallowtails are most vulnerable to parasites when they are in their chrysalis. Common parasites include flies and wasps. The caterpillars' intricate coloring patterns are an effective camouflage and defense against both vertebrate and invertebrate predators and parasites. When camouflage is not enough, larvae will employ their osmeteria, bad-smelling and toxic mixture of acidic chemicals, when they are threatened.
鳳蝶科的美洲大芷鳳蝶是北美最大的蝴蝶。它在美國各地都很常見,北至新英格蘭南部和加拿大南部,在美國南部,墨西哥部分地區,牙買加和古巴都看得到它。美洲大芷鳳蝶最顯著的特徵之一是它的體型尺寸。雌性的平均翼展為 5.5 英寸至 6.9 英寸,而雄性的平均翼展為 5.8 英寸至 7.4 英寸。由於它的翼展特別大,它的飛行能力很強,只要拍打幾下翅膀就能滑翔很遠。雖然它有引人注目的外觀而在園林中備受青睞,但其幼蟲階段可能是柑橘農場的嚴重害蟲,因此它的毛毛蟲被稱為橘子狗或橘子小狗。美洲大芷鳳蝶在蛹中時最容易受到寄生蟲的侵害。常見的寄生蟲包括蒼蠅和黃蜂。毛毛蟲複雜的色彩圖案是一種有效的偽裝和防禦手段,可以抵禦脊椎動物和無脊椎動物的掠食者和寄生蟲。當偽裝還不夠時,幼蟲會在受到威脅時使用它們的臭角 (一種氣味難聞且有毒的酸性化學混合物)。

Photo Date: 2017.04.05 Location: Los Angeles County
Photo Date: 2020.07.29 Location: Peck Road Park

Notes 筆記

  • The giant swallowtail, in the family Papilionidae, is the largest butterfly in North America. It is common across the United States, reaching as far north as southern New England and southern Canada. South of the United States, it is found in parts of Mexico and also found in Jamaica and Cuba.
  • One of the giant swallowtail's most notable features is its size. Females have an average wingspan of 5.5 in to 6.9 in, while males' average is 5.8 in to 7.4 in. Because of the its notably large wingspan, it is a very strong flier and is able to glide long distances with very few wing beats.
  • Though it is often valued in gardens for its striking appearance, its larval stage can be a serious pest to citrus farms, which has earned its caterpillars the names orange dog or orange puppy.
  • larvae eat a wide variety of plants in the family Rutaceae (citrus plants), including different types of prickly ash. Nectar plants for adults include Lantana, Azaleas, Bougainvilla, Saponaria officinalis, Hesperis matronalis, Solidago, Lonicera japonica, and Asclepias incarnata.
  • Males search for females along set flight paths and near host plants, and mate with females in the afternoon. Male and female then copulate facing away from each other. Females lay eggs on the tops of the leaves of one of their preferred host plants. One egg is laid at a time. Once emerged from the eggs, there are five larval instars, wherein the larva grow to about 2 inches before pupating. Larvae are mostly nocturnal, feeding at night. Larvae must find a vertical plant to form their chrysalis on. They attach themselves to their substrate of choice and molt to reveal a brown, mottled chrysalis in which they remain for approximately 10–12 days.
  • Giant swallowtails are most vulnerable to parasites when they are in their chrysalis. Common parasites include flies and wasps.
  • The caterpillars' intricate coloring patterns are an effective camouflage and defense against both vertebrate and invertebrate predators and parasites. When camouflage is not enough, larvae will employ their osmeteria, bad-smelling and toxic mixture of acidic chemicals, when they are threatened.
  • 鳳蝶科的美洲大芷鳳蝶是北美最大的蝴蝶。它在美國各地都很常見,北至新英格蘭南部和加拿大南部,在美國南部,墨西哥部分地區,牙買加和古巴都看得到它。
  • 美洲大芷鳳蝶最顯著的特徵之一是它的體型尺寸。雌性的平均翼展為 5.5 英寸至 6.9 英寸,而雄性的平均翼展為 5.8 英寸至 7.4 英寸。由於它的翼展特別大,它的飛行能力很強,只要拍打幾下翅膀就能滑翔很遠。
  • 雖然它有引人注目的外觀而在園林中備受青睞,但其幼蟲階段可能是柑橘農場的嚴重害蟲,因此它的毛毛蟲被稱為橘子狗或橘子小狗。
  • 幼蟲吃芸香科(柑橘類植物)中的多種植物,包括不同類型的花椒。成蟲的花蜜植物包括馬纓丹、杜鵑花、九重葛、肥皂草、歐亞香花芥、一枝黃花、金銀花和沼澤乳草。
  • 雄性沿著設定的飛行路徑和寄主植物附近尋找雌性,並在下午與雌性交配。然後雄性和雌性背對彼此交配。雌性在它們喜歡的寄主植物的葉子頂部產卵。一次產下一顆卵。一旦從卵中出來,就會有五個幼蟲齡期,幼蟲在化蛹前會長到約2英寸。幼蟲大多夜間活動,夜間進食。幼蟲必須找到垂直的植物來形成蛹。它們附著在所選的基質上並蛻皮,露出棕色、有斑點的蛹,並在其中停留約 10-12 天。
  • 美洲大芷鳳蝶在蛹中時最容易受到寄生蟲的侵害。常見的寄生蟲包括蒼蠅和黃蜂。
  • 毛毛蟲複雜的色彩圖案是一種有效的偽裝和防禦手段,可以抵禦脊椎動物和無脊椎動物的掠食者和寄生蟲。當偽裝還不夠時,幼蟲會在受到威脅時使用它們的臭角 (一種氣味難聞且有毒的酸性化學混合物)。

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References 參考資料