Butterfly: Gulf fritillary (Dione vanillae) 銀紋紅袖蝶

The Gulf fritillary or passion butterfly (Dione vanillae, Agraulis vanillae, Papilio vanillae) is a bright orange medium-sized butterfly in the subfamily Heliconiinae of the family Nymphalidae. Gulf fritillary is most commonly found in the southern areas of the United States, specifically in many regions of Florida, Texas and California. It exhibits sexual dimorphism as females are typically distinctively larger in size than males. The underside of the wings is brown and speckled with silvery white dots. The upper surface of the wings is bright orange with black markings. Females are usually darker in color and are more marked with black streaks as compared to the males. In the three sets of photos below, the Gulf fritillary taken at the Huntington Library in the middle is darker in color. I guess it is a female. The host plants for gulf fritillaries are members of the genus Passiflora. Both male and female gulf fritillaries possess certain defensive glands located on their abdomens that serve as a defense mechanism against predators, especially avian predators such as birds. When the butterflies sense danger in the area or are suddenly disturbed, these glands emit a distinct and obvious odor.
銀紋紅袖蝶 (別名:香子藍袖蝶、銀紋紅毒蝶)是蛺蝶科中釉蛺蝶亞科的一種亮橙色中型蝴蝶。銀紋紅袖蝶最常見於美國南部地區,特別是佛羅裡達州、德州和加州的許多地區。它是雌雄異型,雌性的體型通常明顯大於雄性。翅膀的底面是棕色的,上面有銀白色的斑點。翅膀的上表面呈現亮橙色,並帶有黑色斑紋。與雄性相比,雌性通常顏色較深,黑色條紋更明顯。下面三組照片,中間在亨廷頓圖書館拍攝的銀紋紅袖蝶顏色較深,我猜它是䧳的。銀紋紅袖蝶的宿主是西番蓮屬。雄性和雌性銀紋紅袖蝶的腹部都有某些防禦腺體,作為防禦捕食者的防禦機制,尤其是鳥類。當蝴蝶感覺到該區域有危險或突然受到干擾時,這些腺體會散發出明顯的氣味。

Photo Date: 2020.02.26 Location: Peck Road Park
Photo Date: 2020.08.06 Location: Huntington Library
Photo Date: 2019.07.27 Location: Peck Road Park

Notes 筆記

  • The Gulf fritillary or passion butterfly (Dione vanillae, Agraulis vanillae, Papilio vanillae) is a bright orange medium-sized butterfly in the subfamily Heliconiinae of the family Nymphalidae. The Heliconiinae are "longwing butterflies", which have long, narrow wings compared to other butterflies.
  • Gulf fritillary is most commonly found in the southern areas of the United States, specifically in many regions of Florida, Texas and California. Its range can extend from the Southern United States into parts of Mexico and Central America and sometimes as far as parts of South America. They are also found in Hawaii.
  • Gulf fritillary exhibits sexual dimorphism as females are typically distinctively larger in size than males. The underside of the wings is brown and speckled with silvery white dots. The upper surface of the wings is bright orange with black markings. Females are usually darker in color and are more marked with black streaks as compared to the males.
  • Gulf fritillaries are found in open habitats, like in moderately sunny areas near open grasslands, parks, and woodlands.
  • The host plants for gulf fritillaries are members of the genus Passiflora, frequently called passion vines. They will feed on specific species such as Passiflora lutea and Passiflora affinis.
  • Both male and female gulf fritillaries possess certain defensive glands located on their abdomens that serve as a defense mechanism against predators, especially avian predators such as birds. When the butterflies sense danger in the area or are suddenly disturbed, these glands emit a distinct and obvious odor.
  • A typical courtship interaction begins when a male flies and lands near a perching female on a host plant. They put their heads together and with their bodies aligned at a 45-degree angle. Then the male engages in a specific action called the wing clap display in which the male continuously claps its wings open and closed. During this time, the antennae of the female are placed between the opening and closing wings. After the male ceases wing movement, the male butterfly will move into a position that facilitates genital contact with the female. The average duration of the copulation process including the wing clap display is approximately 11 seconds. The release of pheromones by the male gulf fritillaries plays a critical role in the mating and courtship process. It relates to the idea of mate choice. During the physical act of copulation, males transfer nutritious materials to the females. These extra nutrients given to the females can be used by a female to her advantage during the process of oogenesis. The use of nuptial gifts in the mating process, especially when females mate with multiple males, relates to the idea of female choice in deciding egg fertilization.
  • 銀紋紅袖蝶 (別名:香子藍袖蝶、銀紋紅毒蝶)是蛺蝶科中釉蛺蝶亞科的一種亮橙色中型蝴蝶。釉蛺蝶亞科是“長翼蝴蝶”,與其他蝴蝶相比,它們的翅膀又長又窄。
  • 銀紋紅袖蝶最常見於美國南部地區,特別是佛羅裡達州、德州和加州的許多地區。其範圍可以從美國南部延伸到墨西哥和中美洲的部分地區,有時甚至遠至南美洲的部分地區。在夏威夷也可看到它們。
  • 銀紋紅袖蝶是雌雄異型,雌性的體型通常明顯大於雄性。翅膀的底面是棕色的,上面有銀白色的斑點。翅膀的上表面呈現亮橙色,並帶有黑色斑紋。與雄性相比,雌性通常顏色較深,黑色條紋更明顯。
  • 銀紋紅袖蝶生長於開闊的棲息地,例如開闊的草原、公園和林地附近陽光充足的地區。
  • 銀紋紅袖蝶的宿主是西番蓮屬的成員,通常稱為西番蓮藤。
  • 雄性和雌性銀紋紅袖蝶的腹部都有某些防禦腺體,作為防禦捕食者的防禦機制,尤其是鳥類。當蝴蝶感覺到該區域有危險或突然受到干擾時,這些腺體會散發出明顯的氣味。
  • 當雄蝶飛到寄主植物上棲息的雌蝶附近時,典型的求偶互動就開始了。它們把頭靠在一起,身體成 45 度角。然後雄蝶會進行一種稱為「拍打翅膀展示」的特定動作,就是不斷地拍打翅膀打開和關閉。在這期間,雌蝶的觸角會放在打開和關閉的翅膀中間。雄蝶停止翅膀拍動後會移動到有利於與雌蝶生殖器接觸的位置。這交配過程包括拍翅在內,平均時間約為 11 秒。雄蝶釋放的外激素在交配和求偶過程中起著至關重要的作用。這與擇偶觀念有關。在交配過程中,雄蝶將營養物質轉移給雌蝶。雌蝶在卵子發生過程中可以利用這些額外的營養素來發揮其優勢。在交配過程中,特別是當雌蝶與多個雄蝶交配時,求偶禮物與雌蝶選擇決定卵子的受精有關。

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