Butterfly: Hestina assimilis formosana 紅斑脈蛺蝶

Hestina assimilis formosana is a subspecies of Hestina assimilis. It is a medium size butterfly in the family Nymphalidae found in Asia such as the Korean Peninsula, Southeast China, Northern Vietnam, Taiwan, and Amami Island. In August 2022, I saw this beautiful but lifeless Hestina assimilis formosana on the balcony of the place that I stayed in Taiwan. Although I could clearly see it and take a good picture, I felt sad.
紅斑脈蛺蝶 (其他別名: 紅星脈蛺蝶, 紅珠蛺蝶, 紅星斑挾蝶, 紅星擬斑蛺蝶, 紅星胡麻斑蛺蝶, 紅星斑蛺蝶, 紅環蛺蝶, 黑脈蛺蝶) 是 Hestina assimilis 的亞種。它是蛺蝶科的一種中型蝴蝶,分佈於亞洲,如朝鮮半島、中國東南部、越南北部、台灣和日本奄美大島。2022年八月在臺灣住處的陽台上看到這隻漂亮但無氣息的紅斑脈蛺蝶,雖然能夠清楚的照到它,但心中為它傷感。

Photo Date: 2022.08.03 Location: Tamsui, Taiwan

Notes 筆記

  • Hestina assimilis formosana is a subspecies of Hestina assimilis. It is a medium size butterfly in the family Nymphalidae found in Asia such as the Korean Peninsula, Southeast China, Northern Vietnam, Taiwan, and Amami Island.
  • The body is dark brown with white spots and stripes. The forewings are triangular, the hind wings are fan-shaped, and there is a row of red markings on the outside of the hind wings.
  • It inhabits evergreen broad-leaved forests. More than one generation a year. The adult butterflies are active and fly quite fast. The male is strongly territorial.
  • 紅斑脈蛺蝶 (其他別名: 紅星脈蛺蝶, 紅珠蛺蝶, 紅星斑挾蝶, 紅星擬斑蛺蝶, 紅星胡麻斑蛺蝶, 紅星斑蛺蝶, 紅環蛺蝶, 黑脈蛺蝶) 是 Hestina assimilis 的亞種。它是蛺蝶科的一種中型蝴蝶,分佈於亞洲,如朝鮮半島、中國東南部、越南北部、台灣和日本奄美大島。
  • 軀體是黑褐色,有白色斑點、條紋。前翅三角形,後翅扇形,後翅外側有一列紅色斑紋。
  • 棲息在常綠闊葉林。一年多代。成蝶飛翔頗快速,雄性有很強的領地意識。

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References 參考資料