Bird: Spotted sandpiper (Actitis macularius) 斑腹磯鷸

I saw a spotted sandpiper at the Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area in Southern California, USA. The spotted sandpiper is a small shorebird. Their breeding habitat is near fresh water across most of Canada and the United States. These are not gregarious birds, and are seldom seen in flocks. Spotted sandpipers are the most widespread species of their kind in North America due to their high breeding rates and their ability to adapt to various environmental pressures. Female Spotted Sandpipers sometimes practice an unusual breeding strategy called polyandry, where a female mates with up to four males, each of which then cares for a clutch of eggs. Male spotted sandpipers take care of the offspring, both before and after the offspring hatch. The female Spotted Sandpiper is the one who establishes and defends the territory. She arrives at the breeding grounds earlier than the male.


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Photo Date: 2021.03.25 Location: Santa Fe Dam
Source: Wikipedia

Notes 筆記

  • The spotted sandpiper is a small shorebird. The genus name Actitis is from Ancient Greek aktites, “coast-dweller”, derived from akte, “coast”, and macularius is Latin from macula, “spot”.
  • Adults have short yellowish legs and an orange bill with a dark tip. The body is brown on top and white underneath with black spots. Non-breeding birds, do not have the spotted underparts.
  • Spotted sandpipers are a philopatric species. Their breeding habitat is near fresh water across most of Canada and the United States. These are not gregarious birds, and are seldom seen in flocks.
  • Spotted sandpipers are the most widespread species of their kind in North America due to their high breeding rates and their ability to adapt to various environmental pressures.
  • Female Spotted Sandpipers sometimes practice an unusual breeding strategy called polyandry, where a female mates with up to four males, each of which then cares for a clutch of eggs. Male spotted sandpipers take care of the offspring, both before and after the offspring hatch.
  • The female Spotted Sandpiper is the one who establishes and defends the territory. She arrives at the breeding grounds earlier than the male.
  • These birds forage on ground or water, picking up food by sight. They may also catch insects in flight. They eat insects, crustaceans and other invertebrates.
  • The main predators of spotted sandpipers include raptors, mustelids, mice, and gulls. Most of these predators target the sandpipers’ chicks and eggs.
  • 斑腹磯鷸是一種小型濱鳥。Actitis 屬名源自古希臘語 aktites,意為“海岸居民”,源自 akte,意為“海岸”;而 maularius 則源自拉丁語 macula,意為“斑點”。
  • 成鳥有短的淡黃色腿和橙色的喙,黑色尖端。身體上部棕色,下部白色,有黑色斑點。非繁殖期的鳥,沒有斑點。
  • 斑腹磯鷸是一種故土情結的物種。它們的繁殖地靠近加拿大和美國大部分地區的淡水。它們不是群居鳥類,很少成群出現。
  • 斑腹磯鷸因其高繁殖率和適應各種環境壓力的能力,而成為北美分佈最廣泛的磯鷸。
  • 母斑腹磯鷸有時會採取一種不尋常的繁殖策略,稱為一妻多夫制,一隻母斑腹磯鷸最多與四頭公斑腹磯鷸交配,然後每隻公斑腹磯鷸都會照顧一窩蛋。公斑腹磯鷸在蛋孵化之前和之後都會照顧子女。
  • 母斑腹磯鷸是領地的建立者和保衛者。她比公斑腹磯鷸更早到達繁殖地。
  • 它們在地面或水上覓食,藉著眼力來找食物。 它們也可能在飛行中捕捉昆蟲。 它們吃昆蟲、甲殼類和其他無脊椎動物。
  • 斑腹磯鷸的主要天敵包括猛禽、鼬科動物、老鼠和海鷗。這些捕食者大多數都以鷸的雛鳥和蛋為目標。

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