Bird: Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) 雲斑塍鷸

I don't see marbled godwits very often, except once at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Northern California and once at Oceanside in Southern California. The marbled godwit is a large migratory shorebird. Adults have long blue-grey legs and a very long pink bill with a slight upward curve and dark at the tip. They nest on the ground, usually in short grass. They mainly eat insects and crustaceans, but also eat parts of aquatic plants. They often sleep by standing on one leg and tucking their bill into their body. Marbled Godwits have large territories that include both feeding and nesting areas. Males perform flight displays early in the breeding season to attract a mate. Once paired, they form monogamous bonds for the breeding season. They don't spend the nonbreeding season together, but males and females frequently return to the same area to breed year after year and often breed with the same mate.

我不常看到雲斑塍鷸,一次是在美個北加州的蒙特雷灣水族館 (Monterey Bay Aquarium),另一次是在南加州的歐申賽 (Oceanside)。雲斑塍鷸是一種大型會遷徙的濱鳥。成鳥有長長藍灰色的腿和非常長的粉紅色喙,略微向上彎曲,尖端呈黑色。它們在地面上築巢,通常在短草叢中。主要吃昆蟲和甲殼類動物,也吃部分水生植物。它們睡覺時經常單腿站立,並將喙塞進身體裡。雲斑塍鷸在廣闊的領地上覓食和築巢。公雲斑塍鷸會在繁殖季節早早進行飛行表演以吸引配偶。一旦配對,它們就會在繁殖季節形成一夫一妻制的關係。它們不會一起度過非繁殖季節,但雄性和雌性經常年復一年地返回同一地區進行繁殖,並且經常與同一個配偶一起繁殖。

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Photo Date: 2022.05.19 Location: Monterey Bay Aquarium, California
Photo Date: 2022.04.10 Location: Oceanside, California
Source: All About Birds

Notes 筆記

  • The marbled godwit is a large migratory shorebird. It is the largest of the four species of godwit. Adults have long blue-grey legs and a very long pink bill with a slight upward curve and dark at the tip.
  • Marbled godwits breed in three distinct areas with their own unique route. The vast majority occur in mid-continental North America, followed by eastern Canada and the Alaska Peninsula, USA. In addition, the largest winter ranges are the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf coasts of the US and Mexico.
  • They nest on the ground. Breeds in shortgrass prairies near wetlands, often far from water and with little overhead plant cover. Males make several shallow depressions in the ground with their feet and the female chooses which one to lay the eggs in. During migration and on the wintering grounds, found on mudflats, salt ponds, beaches, estuaries, and wetlands.
  • These birds forage by probing on mudflats, in marshes, or at the beach. When the tide is out, they eat. In short grass, they may pick up insects by sight. They mainly eat insects and crustaceans, but also eat parts of aquatic plants. When the tide is in, they roost. They often sleep by standing on one leg and tucking their bill into their body.
  • Marbled Godwits have large territories that include both feeding and nesting areas. In North Dakota for example, average territory size has been measured at more than 200 acres. Within these territories, males perform flight displays early in the breeding season to attract a mate. They fly up to 300 feet above the ground and circle their territory, flying with slow wingbeats and calling. Once paired, they form monogamous bonds for the breeding season. They don't spend the nonbreeding season together, but males and females frequently return to the same area to breed year after year and often breed with the same mate.
  • 雲斑塍鷸是一種大型會遷徙的濱鳥。它是四種塍鷸中體型最大的。成鳥有長長藍灰色的腿和非常長的粉紅色喙,略微向上彎曲,尖端呈黑色。
  • 雲斑塍鷸在三個不同的地區繁殖,有自己獨特的路線。絕大多數在北美大陸中部,其次是加拿大東部和美國阿拉斯加半島。此外最大的冬季範圍是大西洋、太平洋以及美國和墨西哥的墨西哥灣沿岸。
  • 它們在地面上築巢。於濕地附近的短草草原上繁殖,通常遠離水源頭頂上幾乎沒有植物覆蓋。公雲斑塍鷸用腳在地上踩出幾個淺窪,母雲斑塍鷸選擇在其中產卵。在遷徙期間和越冬地,常見於泥灘、鹽池、海灘、河口和濕地。
  • 它們在泥灘、沼澤或海灘上探查來覓食。退潮時它們就吃東西。在矮草叢中,它們可能會藉視覺來捕捉昆蟲,主要吃昆蟲和甲殼類動物,也吃部分水生植物。漲潮時它們就棲息。它們睡覺時經常單腿站立,並將喙塞進身體裡。
  • 雲斑塍鷸在廣闊的領地上覓食和築巢。例如在北達科他州,平均領地面積超過200英畝。在這些領地內公雲斑塍鷸會在繁殖季節早早進行飛行表演以吸引配偶。它們飛到距地面300英尺的高度,繞著領地盤旋,飛行時緩慢地拍打翅膀並發出叫聲。一旦配對,它們就會在繁殖季節形成一夫一妻制的關係。它們不會一起度過非繁殖季節,但雄性和雌性經常年復一年地返回同一地區進行繁殖,並且經常與同一個配偶一起繁殖。

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