Travel/POI: Antelope Valley, California USA -- California Poppies and Wildflowers

There is plenty of rain in Southern California this year (2023). Many people guess that there will be a super bloom of wildflowers this year so we start to visit the places where wildflowers bloomed in 2019. Antelope Valley is one of the places. It was so cold and drizzling last week that the California poppy’s petals were curled up. It was hard to see where they were. We saw someone posted on the Internet saying that there were flowers on 110th Street at Lancaster so we wanted to try our luck on March 28, 2023. The flowers were really beautiful and breathtaking.

今年 (2023) 南加州雨水充足,許多人都猜今年會有野花大開(Super bloom),我們也開始去2019年曾看過野花綻放的地方看看,羚羊谷(Antelope Valley) 是其中的一個地方,上禮拜天氣太冷,又下毛毛雨,花菱草(加州罌粟、金英花)的花瓣都縮捲起來,很難看得出它們在哪裏。看到網路上有人說在Lancaster的110街有花,2023.03.28 我們就想去碰碰運氣,果真漂亮的令人嘆為觀止。

100th Street W, Lancaster, CA
(between W Ave F and W Ave F8) and (between Ave-D8 and W Ave E)

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Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve State Natural Reserve
15101 Lancaster Rd, Lancaster, CA 93536

Years ago when there was a super bloom, we could see the entire hill of the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve in orange color from a long distance. I only saw a few small orange patches this year. Since we bought the California State Park annual pass this year, we decided to drop by and take a look. Although California poppies are not abundant at the Preserve, purple Phacelia, yellow Fiddlenecks, yellow California Goldfields, white Popcorns flowers and small pinkish/purplish Common Stork's-bill are another kind of beauty. Standing on the top of the hill and watching the surrounding scenery, it was refreshing.

以前碰到有Super Bloom的時候,老遠就可以看到加州的羚羊谷罌粟花保護區整個山頭一片橘色,今年只看到幾片橘色的小區塊,由於今年買了加州州立公園的年票,也就順便進來看看。雖然花菱草(加州罌粟)不多,但是紫色的鐘穗花(Phacelia)、黃色的琴頸花(fiddleneck)、黃色的California Goldfields、白色的Popcorn花、再加上點綴其間粉紅色粉紫的小芹葉牻牛兒苗(Common Stork's-bill)又是另一種美,站在居高臨下的山丘上,觀賞四周的風景,讓人心曠神怡。

Dirt road off W Ave I, Lancaster, CA
(between 120th st W and 110th st W)

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Photos From 2019
W Ave L8 and 76th St W, Lancaster, CA

Johnson Road toward Elizabeth Lake, Lancaster, CA

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