Plant: California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica) 花菱草

The California Poppy is the state flower of California. The colors of the flowers include red, orange, and yellow (occasionally pink). There was a Super Bloom in 2019. I have included some photos taken in 2019 in different places of Southern California. They are breathtaking. However, the 2019 bloom became a national, even an international phenomenon, and brought numerous problems to Walker Canyon trails and roads. With anticipation of another super bloom in 2023, Lake Elsinore Mayor decided to implement a zero tolerance, “keep out” policy which is no access to Walker Canyon starting February of 2023. That is too bad. We were lucky and enjoyed visiting Walker Canyon in 2019 to experience a super bloom.
花菱草是加州的州花,它有紅色,橙色和黃色(有時為粉紅色)的花。2019年則有Super Bloom(超級綻放),與你們方享幾張2019在南加州不同地方賞花的照片,有令人窒息的美。然而2019年的花開成了全國或甚至國際新聞,給沃克峽谷(Walker Canyon)步道和道路帶來了無數問題。雖然2023年預計又將出現另一場超級綻放,但埃爾西諾湖(Lake Elsinore)市長決定實施零容忍、“禁止進入”政策 - 即從2023年2月開始禁止進入沃克峽谷。太可惜了!我們很幸運也很高興在2019年去沃克峽谷經歷了超級綻放。

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Photo Date: 2023.02.19, 2021.04.28 Location: Southern California
2019 Super Bloom
Photo Date: 2021.05.19 Location: LA Arboretum

Notes 筆記

  • Eschscholzia californica, the California poppy, golden poppy, California sunlight or cup of gold is cultivated as an ornamental plant flowering in summer, with showy cup-shaped flowers in brilliant shades of red, orange and yellow (occasionally pink).
  • It is a perennial or annual plant. Flowering occurs from February to September. The petals close at night (or in cold, windy weather) and open again the following morning.
  • Its native habitat includes California and extends to Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Sonora and northwest Baja California. The prominent locations of California poppy meadows include Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve (Los Angeles County) , Bear Valley (Colusa County) and Point Buchon (San Luis Obispo County).
  • California poppy leaves are used as food or garnish, while the seeds are used in cooking.
  • It became the official state flower of California in 1903.
  • Because of its beauty and ease of growing, the California poppy was introduced into several regions with similar Mediterranean climates. It is commercially sold and widely naturalized in Australia, and was introduced to South Africa, Chile, and Argentina. It is recognized as a potentially invasive species within the United States, although no indications of ill effects have been reported for this plant.
  • The introduced Chilean populations of California poppy appear to be larger and more fecund.
  • 花菱草又稱加州罌粟,金英花,加州陽光或金杯,被用作夏季的觀賞植物,它的花朵是顯眼的杯狀形,有鮮豔的紅色,橙色和黃色等色調(有時為粉紅色)。
  • 它是多年生植物或一年生植物。 從二月到九月開花。 花瓣在晚上(或在寒冷多風的天氣中)關閉,第二天早晨再次打開。
  • 它原生於加州,並延伸到俄勒岡州,華盛頓州,內華達州,亞利桑那州,新墨西哥州,在墨西哥則分佈在索諾拉州和下加利福尼亞州西北。 著名的花菱草草原包括羚羊谷花菱草保護區 (Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve)(洛杉磯縣),熊谷 (Bear Valley)(庫盧薩縣)和布雄角 (Point Buchon)(聖路易斯奧比斯波縣)。
  • 花菱草的葉子可用作食物或裝飾物,而種子可用來烹飪。
  • 1903年它成為加州官方的州花。
  • 由於它的美麗和易於生長,花菱草被引入類似地中海氣候的幾個地區。 它被商業銷售並大量移植到澳大利亞,而且被引入南非,智利和阿根廷。 雖然沒有任何徵兆認定它是入侵物種,但在美國被認為它是潛在的入侵物種。
  • 智利引進的花菱草種,花似乎更大,繁殖力更強。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子