Plant: Popcorn Flowers (Plagiobothrys)

Popcorn Flowers are small herbaceous plants which bear tiny white or yellow flowers. Of the approximately 65 species described, more than 15 are endemic to California.

Popcorn Flowers是一種小型草本植物,開著白色或黃色的小花。在有記載大約65種的物種中,超過15種是加州特有種。

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Photo Date: 2023.03.07 Location: Santa Fe Dam, California

Notes 筆記

  • Popcorn Flowers are small herbaceous plants which bear tiny white or yellow flowers. Although these plants are found predominantly in North America and South America, five species are known from Australia. Of the approximately 65 species described, more than 15 are endemic to California.
  • The inflorescence is coiled in bud, but generally elongates in fruit. The flower is bisexual with the sepals fused below the middle. Their fruits are nutlets.
  • The genus name, Plagiobothrys, is derived from Greek to mean "sideways pit" and describes the position of nutlet attachment scar.
  • Popcorn Flowers是一種小型草本植物,開著白色或黃色的小花。雖然這些植物主要分佈在北美洲和南美洲,但已知有五種來自澳大利亞。在有記載大約65種的物種中,超過15種是加州特有種。
  • 花序在芽中盤繞,但通常在果實中拉長。花是兩性的,萼片在中間以下融合。它們的果實是小堅果。
  • 屬名 Plagiobothrys 源自希臘語,意思是“側向地坑”,描述了小堅果附著傷痕的位置。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子