Bird: American robin (Turdus migratorius) 旅鶇

I saw this American robin with reddish-orange breast at the LA Arboretum on March 15, 2022. It is the most abundant bird in North America. I've seen a lot of American robins in California and New York state. American robins are among the earliest bird songs heard at dawn. They chirp a song that sounds like someone saying “cheerily cheer up.” They are most active in the daytime. They spend much of their time hopping around the grass in search of earthworms to pluck from the soil. It is the state bird of Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

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Photo Date: 2022.03.15 Location: Los Angeles Arboretum
Photo Date: 2019.01.15 Location: Los Angeles Arboretum
Photo Date: 2020.05.10 Location: Arcadia County Park

Notes 筆記

  • The American robin is a migratory songbird of the true thrush genus and Turdidae. It is the most abundant bird in North America.
  • The binomial name derives from two Latin words: turdus, “thrush”, and migratorius, “to migrate”. The term robin for this species has been recorded since at least 1703. Genus Turdus is characterized by rounded heads, longish pointed wings, and usually melodious songs.
  • The American robin has a brown back and a reddish-orange breast, varying from a rich red maroon to peachy orange.
  • American Robins are common birds across the continent. During winter many robins move to moist woods where berry-producing trees and shrubs are common.
  • The American robin is active mostly during the day, and on its winter grounds it assembles in large flocks at night to roost in trees. During the summer, it defends a breeding territory and is less social.
  • American Robins eat large numbers of both invertebrates and fruit. Particularly in spring and summer they eat large numbers of earthworms as well as insects and some snails. It uses auditory, visual, olfactory and possibly vibrotactile cues to find prey, but vision is the predominant mode of prey detection.
  • American Robins are often among the first songbirds to sing as dawn rises or hours before, and last as evening sets in. They also sing when storms approach and again when storms have passed. They also make a number of calls to communicate specific information, such as when a ground predator approaches and when a nest or another American robin is being directly threatened.
  • The American robin is the state bird of Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
  • 旅鶇是一種純種的畫眉屬和鶇屬,是會遷徙的鳴禽。它是北美最多的鳥類。
  • 學名來自兩個拉丁詞:鶇屬的“畫眉鳥”,以及”遷徙”的種加詞。 從 1703 年就有人開始記錄了這個物種叫知更鳥。鶇屬的特徵是圓頭,尖長的翅膀,通常有悠揚的鳴聲。
  • 旅鶇有棕色的背和紅橙色的胸,從深紅栗色到桃橙色。
  • 旅鶇是橫跨整個大洲的常見鳥類。在冬季許多旅鶇會遷移到濕潤的樹林中,那裡常有漿果的樹木和灌木。
  • 旅鶇主要在白天活動,冬季時它在夜間聚成一大群在樹上棲息。夏季時它保護繁殖地,比較不社交。
  • 旅鶇吃大量的無脊椎動物和水果。特別是在春季和夏季時它們吃很多的蚯蚓以及昆蟲和一些蝸牛。它可用聽覺、視覺、嗅覺和振動觸覺來尋找獵物,但主要靠視覺尋找獵物。
  • 旅鶇通常是第一批在黎明時或黎明之前鳴叫的鳴禽,直到傍晚才止息。它們也會在暴風雨來臨和暴風雨過去時鳴叫。當捕食者快接近時,或者是巢穴或另一隻旅鶇受到直接威脅時,它們還會發出不同的叫聲以傳達特定信息。
  • 旅鶇是康涅狄格州、密歇根州和威斯康星州的州鳥。

References 參考資料

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