Bird: House Finch (Haemorhous mexicanus) 家朱雀

On February 15, 2022, I saw this adult male House Finch in the aloe garden at the LA Arboretum. Its rosy face matched the orange aloe vera to form a beautiful picture. House Finch is a moderately-sized finch and a highly social bird. It may form flocks as large as several hundred birds. House Finch eats almost exclusively plant materials, including seeds, buds and fruits. It is known to damage orchard fruit and consume commercially grown grain, but is generally considered an annoyance rather than a significant pest.

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Photo Date: 2022.02.15 Location: Los Angeles Arboretum

Notes 筆記

  • House Finch is a moderately-sized finch. Adult males are rosy red around the face and upper breast, with streaky brown back, belly and tail. Male coloration varies in intensity with the seasons and is derived from the berries and fruits in its diet. Adult females aren’t red; they are plain grayish-brown with thick, blurry streaks and an indistinctly marked face.
  • Their song is a rapid, cheery warble or a variety of chirps.
  • Originally House Finch only was a resident of Mexico and the southwestern United States. They were introduced to eastern North America in the 1940s. The birds were sold illegally in New York City. To avoid prosecution the vendors and owners released the birds and they have since become naturalized. These birds are mainly permanent residents throughout their range.
  • House Finches eat almost exclusively plant materials, including seeds, buds and fruits. The house finch is known to damage orchard fruit and consume commercially grown grain, but is generally considered an annoyance rather than a significant pest.
  • House Finches’ nests are made in cavities, including openings in buildings, hanging plants, and other cup-shaped outdoor decorations. They also nest in a variety of deciduous and coniferous trees as well as on cactus and rock ledges.
  • A highly social bird, the House Finch is rarely seen alone outside of the breeding season, and may form flocks as large as several hundred birds.
  • 家朱雀是一種中等大小的雀。成年雄鳥的面部和上胸部呈玫瑰紅色,背部、腹部和尾巴有棕色條紋。雄鳥顏色隨季節而變化,與飲食中的漿果和水果有關。成年䧳鳥不是紅色的;它們是普通的灰褐色,帶有濃密、不清楚的條紋和一張沒有特殊標記的臉。
  • 它們的叫聲是快速、歡快的啁啾或各種唧唧喳喳。
  • 最初家朱雀只在墨西哥和美國西南部出現,它們在1940年代被引入北美東部。這些鳥在紐約市被非法出售,為了避免被起訴,供應商和業主釋放了這些鳥,之後它們就適應當地的生長環境了。這些鳥在它們的範圍內是留鳥。
  • 家朱雀幾乎只吃植物,包括種子、芽和果實。家朱雀會破壞果園的果實並食用商業種植的穀物,但是常被認為是一種令人討厭的東西,而不是一種大害蟲。
  • 家朱雀的巢穴是在空的洞中,例如建築物的開口、懸掛的植物和其他杯形戶外裝飾品。它們也在各種落葉和針葉樹以及仙人掌和岩石壁架上築巢。
  • 家朱雀是一種喜群居的鳥類,很少在繁殖季節之外單獨出現,一群鳥可能有數百隻。

References 參考資料

Birds Posts 鳥的帖子