Bird: California Towhee (Melozone crissalis) 加州唧鹀

The California towhee is a very common bird in California and it can be easily seen at parks and gardens. It is native to the coastal regions of western Oregon and California and is a non-migratory bird.

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Photo Date: 2023.02.16 Location: Peck Road Park
Photo Date: 2019.07.09 Location: Peck Road Park

Notes 筆記

  • The California towhee is native to the coastal regions of western Oregon and California in the United States and Baja California Sur in Mexico.
  • The California towhee's coloring is dull brown overall with light rust undertail covert feathers and buff or rust-colored streaks at the throat. There is little sexual dimorphism.
  • This bird's natural habitat is California's brush, chaparral, open woodlands, and along streams adjacent to desert slopes. It has also widely adapted to parks and gardens. It is a non-migratory bird and they only change their homes when finding a mate.
  • The California towhee feeds on the ground or in low scrub where it prefers a variety of seeds, grasses, and herbs. During breeding season, the California towhee supplements its diet with insects such as grasshoppers and beetles. Additionally, they may eat snails, millipedes, and spiders.
  • The California Towhee uses a "double-scratch" maneuver when foraging, looking beneath leaves by lunging forward and hopping backwards, using its feet to scratch the ground and reveal food. Additionally, it visits feeders, often eating the millet that other birds disdain.
  • Able to run rapidly for short distances, it keeps in constant contact with its mate—perhaps forming lifelong pairs.
  • 加州唧鹀原產於美國俄勒岡州西部和加州以及墨西哥南下加利福尼亞州的沿海地區。
  • 加州唧鹀的整體顏色為暗棕色,尾巴下有淺銹色的隱蔽羽毛,喉嚨處有淺黃色或銹色條紋。 幾乎沒有雌雄異型。
  • 這種鳥的自然棲息地是加利州的灌木叢、叢林、開闊的林地,以及靠近沙漠斜坡的溪流。它也習慣於公園和花園。它是一種非候鳥,只有在找到配偶時才會搬家。
  • 加州唧鹀在地面或低矮的灌木叢中覓食,喜歡各種種子、草和草本植物。在繁殖季節,它以蚱蜢和甲蟲等昆蟲作為它的補充飲食。此外它們還可能吃蝸牛、千足蟲和蜘蛛。
  • 加州唧鹀在覓食時使用“雙抓”動作,藉向前衝刺和向後跳躍來查看樹葉下方,用腳抓撓地面並露出食物。此外它還會去飼料槽,經常吃其他鳥類不屑一顧的小米。
  • 它能夠在短距離內快速奔跑,並與它的伴侶保持不斷的聯繫——也許會形成終生配對。

References 參考資料

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