Praise (3) - Faith and Obedience

連結 (link): 中文版 讚美 (3) - 信心和順服

Continue reading articles from Believers: Praise (3) - Faith and Obedience. Below are my notes. (The original article was written in Chinese. I translate the key points into English below.)

  • Psalm 106:12 "Then they believed his promises and sang his praise." You cannot praise just by saying the words, "I thank the Lord! I praise the Lord! " You have to believe before you can praise. Believe in the greatness of God, believe in the power of God, believe in the love of God, believe in the glory of God, believe that God will manifest His glory — it is at this moment that you can praise.
  • On the other hand if a person has faith within him but he does not praise God, sooner or later faith will be gone. If you have faith within you, you must praise. If you do not praise, after a while your faith may be gone.
  • Don't wait until the thing is done to praise, but praise when you believe. We don't sing until the enemy is gone, we sing to make him go. We must learn to praise first by faith. You praise Him by faith, and you will see the enemy utterly defeated. Only by believing can there be praise. Believe first, praise first, and then you will have victory.
  • Anyone who feels hurt is one who lacks praise. If you can praise before the Lord, all your wounded feelings will be transformed into praise.
  • The life of a Christian climbs up from praise. To praise is to transcend everything to touch the Lord. This is the way the Lord Jesus walked on earth. You are not looking up to the sky and sighing when being tested. But, you are climbing above the trials. Once you praise, you are above the trials. The more people try to suppress you, the more you stand up before the Lord and say, "Lord, I thank You and praise You!" Learn to accept, learn to know He is God, and learn to know this is what He is doing. Not just accepting the discipline of the Holy Spirit, but praising the discipline of the Holy Spirit. Not just to accept that is from the Lord's hand, but to sing to accept the doing from the Lord's hand. Not just to accept the Lord's chastisement, but to accept the chastisement willingly. Then, a door of righteousness and glory is opened.
2022.06.29 Erziping Recreation Area, Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan

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