Travel/POI: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California USA -- Galleta Meadows

Anza-Borrego Desert State Park is located in the southeastern corner of California in the United States. It is the largest state park in California encompassing more than 600,000 acres (1,000 square miles). The park takes its name from 18th century Spanish explorer Juan Bautista de Anza and the Spanish word Borrego, referring to the region’s native bighorn sheep. The park contains dry lake beds, badlands, and mountains. Besides striking landscapes, groves of California fan palms and a profusion of wildflowers also attract many visitors. When we visited it on January 6, 2023, the wildflowers had not yet bloomed but were scattered around on the sandy ground. There is sufficient rainfall this winter and we look forward to a super-bloom in spring and we can visit again.

Although we didn't see many wildflowers, we discovered a bunch of large metal art sculptures at Borrego Springs. After searching for information, I learned that there are over 130 sculptures located in the private Galleta Meadows estate but unfenced and open to the public for visitation. The sculptures of Galleta Meadows are mainly spread out along Borrego Springs Road. These sculptures were created by Southern California artist Ricardo Breceda. Then I remembered that we had visited his gallery in Aguanga in 2017 and 2019 when we were on the way to Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. The Galleta Meadows metal sculptures have different themes which include prehistoric animals such as dinosaurs, desert animals such as scorpions and bighorn sheep, as well as an approximately 350-foot-long dragon. The following pictures are the sculptures that we found at Galleta Meadows.

安沙波利哥沙漠州立公園位於美國加州的東南角。 它是加州最大的州立公園,佔地超過 60萬英畝(1千平方英里)。 這個公園的名字來自於18世紀的西班牙探險家 Juan Bautista de Anza 的名字 和西班牙字 Borrego (指的是當地的大角羊)。公園有乾涸的湖床、荒地和山脈。 除了引人入勝的風景外,加州扇形棕櫚樹林和無數的野花也吸引了許多遊客。我們2023年1月6日去的時候,野花尚未盛開,零零星星的散佈在沙地上,最近冬天充足的雨量,讓我們期待春天有超極盛開的野花,我們可以再去賞花。

雖然沒看到很多野花,我們在 Borrego Springs 周圍發現了一堆大型金屬藝術雕塑。蒐尋資料後才知道這些超過130個雕塑是座落在私人 Galleta Meadows 地產中,但是它無圍牆,也不需門票,完全開放給大眾觀賞。在Galleta Meadows 的雕塑主要分佈在 Borrego Springs 路上。這些雕塑是由南加州藝術家 Ricardo Breceda 所創作的,這才讓我想起曾在 2017 年和 2019 年我們在要去安沙波利哥沙漠州立公園的路上參觀過他在 Aguanga 的陳列園地。Galleta Meadows 的金屬雕塑有不同的主題,包括恐龍等史前動物、蝎子和大角羊等沙漠動物,以及一條約 350 英尺長的龍。以下是我們在 Galleta Meadows 看到的雕塑。

Image Gallery-Click to enlarge 圖片庫-點擊放大

Photo Date: 2023.01.06 Location: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park

I came across this blog post while I was searching for information. It has much more detailed information regarding Galleta Meadows sculptures. You might find it interesting and helpful.

我在找尋參考資料時偶然發現了這篇博文,它有許多關於 Galleta Meadows 雕塑的詳細資料。 您可能會覺得有趣並且很有幫助。

2023.03.15 Found more sculptures and flowers in bloom.

Travel/Point of Interest Posts 旅遊景點帖子