Plant: Willow-leaved cotoneaster (Cotoneaster salicifolius) 柳葉栒子

The bright red fruit of willow-leaved cotoneaster (Cotoneaster salicifolius) drew my attention at The Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden in January of 2023. It gave me a celebratory kind of joy. The alternate, simple, long, lanceolate leaves are resemble those of willow trees (thus the common name). It is native to western China (such as Sichuan, Yunnan, Hubei, Guizhou, Hunan). Masses of white flowers are produced in spring. The pictures below are the cultivar 'Rugosus'.
2023年一月在洛杉磯植物園參觀時,柳葉栒子 (Cotoneaster salicifolius) 鮮紅的果實吸引了我,它帶給我一種喜氣洋洋的感覺。互生、單葉,長披針形的葉子類似於柳樹,俗名因此而來。原產中國西部(如四川、雲南、湖北、貴州、湖南等地)。春天會開許多白色花朵。下面的照片是皺葉變種(又叫小葉山米麻,分布於湖北西部及四川東部)。

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Photo Date: 2023.01.17 Location: LA Arboretum

Notes 筆記

  • The willow-leaved cotoneaster (Cotoneaster salicifolius) is a plant in the family Rosaceae.  It is a drought-tolerant, evergreen to semi-evergreen, low-lying, small to medium-sized shrub with an arched branching habit. Other common names include Autumn fire, and Autumn fire cotoneaster.
  • They usually grow in the wild. Although native to the mountains, mixed forests, and open places in western China, it is commonly cultivated in temperate climates worldwide. 
  • Cultivars have been bred in a variety of forms, as ornamental groundcovers or shrubs.  The cultivars 'Gnom', 'Pink Champagne', and 'Rothschildianus' have received the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.
  • The leaves are alternate, simple, long, lanceolate, dark green and resemble those of willow trees.  The scientific name 'salicifolius', described by the botanist Franchet, means 'with leaves like willows'.
  • In June it bears many flowered, compound corymbs of white.  The fruit grow as small, showy, apple-like, red pomes, ripening in September to October, and enduring into the winter.
  • It is susceptible to fire blight, scale insects and spider mites.
  • 柳葉栒子(學名:Cotoneaster salicifolius)為薔薇科植物。 它是一種耐旱、常綠至半常綠、低的中小型灌木,有拱形分枝習性。 其他俗名是秋火和秋火栒子。
  • 它們通常生長在野外。 雖然原產於中國西部的山區、混交林和開闊地帶,但在全世界溫帶氣候都普遍種植。
  • 栽培品種以多種形式培育,可作為觀賞性地被植物或灌木。“Gnom”、“Pink Champagne” 和 “Rothschildianus” 等品種都曾獲得了皇家園藝學會的花園優異獎。
  • 葉子互生,單葉,長披針形,深綠色,類似於柳樹。 植物學家 Franchet 用學名 “salicifolius” 來描述這植物,它的意思是“葉子像柳樹”。
  • 6月時會長許多複合白色傘狀花序的花朵。 果實長得像蘋果一樣小的紅色梨果,在9月至10月時成熟直到冬天。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子