Bird: Vermilion Flycatcher (Pyrocephalus obscurus) 朱紅霸鶲

Although Vermilion Flycatchers (Pyrocephalus obscurus) are small, they are brightly colored, especially adult male with brilliant red color. The Vermilion Flycatcher that I saw in Peck Road Park at the end of 2020 was a relatively young male because the color was not bright red. The Vermilion Flycatcher that I saw recently in 2022 was an adult male which was much more bright red. Though they barely reach the southwestern U.S., this species is common all the way through Central America and much of South America. In some areas they may be found in dry grassland or desert with scattered trees, but much more frequently seen near water such as short trees along streams, edges of ponds. 

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Photo Date: 2023.01.24, 2023.02.17 Location: Santa Fe Dam
Photo Date: 2022.12.23 Location: Santa Fe Dam
Photo Date: 2023.02.01 Location: Santa Fe Dam
Photo Date: 2020.12.07 Location: Peck Road Park

Notes 筆記

  • Vermilion Flycatchers (Pyrocephalus obscurus) are small, measuring 13–14 cm (5.1–5.5 in) from tip to tail, but brightly colored. The males have bright red crowns, chests, and underparts, with brownish wings and tails. Females lack the vivid red coloration and can be hard to identify.
  • The genus name Pyrocephalus is Greek and roughly translates to "fire head" or "flame headed". The specific epithet obscurus is Latin and means "dark" or "dusky". The common name comes from its vibrant coloration and its membership in the flycatcher family, which is reflected in its insect-rich diet. 
  • The call of the vermilion flycatcher is important in establishing its territory. Males make only a single song while perching, but can alter the song to convey different intentions. Females do not usually sing.
  • Non-vocal sounds include snapping the beak, by males between songs and by females while watching male courtship flights.
  • They can be seen in almost all of Mexico, extending north into the southwestern United States, and south to scattered portions of Central America, and parts of northwestern and central South America. North American populations are generally resident, migrating only at the edge of the range.
  • Vermilion flycatchers prefer somewhat open areas and are found in trees or shrubs in savanna, scrub, agricultural areas, riparian woodlands, and desert as well, but usually near water.
  • Vermilion flycatchers are generally solitary, though they may form small flocks of not more than five individuals during winter. They spend most of their time in trees perching, landing on the ground only rarely to catch insects. They do not generally hop, preferring to fly to get around, and glide only infrequently.
  • Vermilion flycatchers are socially monogamous, though mating outside the pair (extra-pair copulation) is not uncommon. They also practice intra-specific brood parasitism, where females lay their eggs in the nest of another vermilion flycatcher. 
  • Males establish and aggressively defend territory during breeding season. While defending, males raise their crest and fan their tail out. They will also pump their tail and snap their beak. 
  • Typically nests are in trees along stream corridors. The nest is placed in an inconspicuous fork along a horizontal branch that is free of leaves, between about 8 and 20 feet off the ground.
  • Egg-laying begins in March and runs through June. Clutches usually contain two or three eggs but may occasionally include up to four. Eggs are incubated solely by the female for 13–15 days. The male feeds the female while she incubates eggs. Both parents feed the chicks.
  • Nestlings open their eyes four days after hatching. The young are ready to leave the nest 15 days after hatching.
  • The vermilion flycatcher feeds mostly on insects such as flies, grasshoppers and beetle.
  • 朱紅霸鶲很小,從頭到尾約13–14公分(5.1–5.5英寸),但色彩鮮豔。 雄鳥有亮紅色冠,胸和下部,翅膀和尾巴呈褐色。 而雌鳥是比較不鮮豔的紅色,比較難辨認。
  • 屬名Pyrocephalus是希臘語,大致翻譯為“ 火頭”。 種小名是拉丁語,是“暗”或“灰蒙蒙”的意思。 俗名因其鮮豔的色彩和它是屬於鶲科之鳥(以補食昆蟲為主)而來。
  • 朱紅霸鶲的叫聲對佔領其地盤至關重要。 雄鳥在棲息時只會叫一種聲音,但可以用改變鳴聲來傳達不同的意圖。雌鳥通常不鳴叫。
  • 非聲的聲音是指雄鳥在鳴聲之間和雌鳥在觀看雄性求愛飛行時拍擊鳥喙的聲音。
  • 在整個墨西哥幾乎都可以看到它們,向北延伸到美國西南部,向南延伸到中美洲的部分地區,以及西北部和中南美洲的部分地區。北美的朱紅霸鶲通常是不遷徙,僅在分佈範圍的邊緣遷移。
  • 朱紅霸鶲喜歡在開闊地帶逗留,像大草原,灌木叢,農業區,河岸林地和沙漠中的樹木或灌木叢中,但通常在有水的附近。
  • 朱紅霸鶲一般是獨來獨往的,但在冬季時牠們可能會形成不超過五隻鳥的小群。 它們大部分的時間都在樹上棲息,偶爾會在地面上捕捉昆蟲。 但通常不在地面上跳,而喜歡飛來飛去,並且很少滑行。
  • 朱紅霸鶲是一夫一妻制,但在配對之外與其他鳥交配並不少見。它們還會有種內巢寄生的行為,雌鳥會將蛋產在另一隻朱紅霸鶲的巢中。
  • 雄鳥在繁殖季節會建立並積極防禦地盤。 防守時,雄鳥會升起冠羽並扇出尾巴。 它們還會扇尾巴並拍擊鳥喙。
  • 築巢通常在溪流經過的樹木上。 巢離地面約8至20英尺,在沒有葉子、平的像叉子的分支上。
  • 通常從3月開始生蛋,一直到6月。 一窩通常有兩個或三個蛋,但偶爾有四個。 蛋僅由雌鳥孵化約13-15天。 雄鳥會餵養在孵蛋時的雌鳥。父母倆都會餵雛鳥。
  • 雛鳥孵化四天后睜開眼睛。 雛鳥在孵化15天后就可離開巢穴。
  • 朱紅霸鶲主要以蒼蠅,蚱蜢和甲蟲等昆蟲為食。

References 參考資料

Birds Posts 鳥的帖子