Plant: Phoenix flower (Delonix regia) 鳳凰木

I saw this phoenix flower tree by the Liyu Lake in Hualien, Taiwan in 2022. I saw several phoenix flower trees in Kaohsiung by the Love River in 2023. The red flowers reflected on the greenish lake are very beautiful. Phoenix flower (Delonix regia) is also called royal poinciana, flamboyant, flame of the forest, or flame tree. It is native to Madagascar and is known for showy scarlet to orange flowers.
2022 年在臺灣花蓮的鯉魚潭邊看到這棵鳳凰木,2023 年在高雄愛河邊也看到一堆鳳凰花樹。紅色的花朵襯著綠湖,非常漂亮。鳳凰木又名影樹、鳳凰樹、鳳凰花、金鳳、火鳳凰、洋楹、紅花楹(廣州)、火樹、紅火楹、火焰木、森之炎、攀霞拿 。原產於馬達加斯加 。以艷麗的猩紅色到橙色花朵而聞名。

Photo Date: 2023.04 Location: Kaohsiung 愛河, Taiwan
Photo Date: 2022.07.19 Location: 花蓮鯉魚潭, Taiwan

Notes 筆記

  • Delonix regia is a species of flowering plant in the bean family and is native to Madagascar. Other names include royal poinciana, flamboyant, phoenix flower, flame of the forest, or flame tree. The botanical name is derived from the Greek words delos (meaning conspicuous) and onyx (meaning claw), referring to their appearance. They are known for their showy flowers.
  • Delonix regia is endemic to Madagascar’s dry deciduous forests, but has been introduced into tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide.
  • In addition to its ornamental value, it is also a useful shade tree in tropical conditions.
  • 鳳凰木是豆科的一種開花植物,原產於馬達加斯加 。又名影樹、鳳凰樹、鳳凰花、金鳳、火鳳凰、洋楹、紅花楹(廣州)、火樹、紅火楹、火焰木、森之炎、攀霞拿 。植物名稱源自希臘語 delos(意為顯眼)和 onyx(意為爪),指的是它們的外觀。它們以艷麗的花朵而聞名。
  • 鳳凰木是馬達加斯加干燥落葉林的特有種,但已被引入全球熱帶和亞熱帶地區。
  • 它除了有園景價值外,它也是熱帶氣候有用的遮蔭樹。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子