There is a Desert Rose on the window sill of Dad’s house in Taiwan. When Dad was first hospitalized, it was blooming with one or two beautiful flowers. They seemed to be cheering for Dad. Common names include Sabi star, kudu, mock azalea, impala lily and desert rose. It is an evergreen or drought-deciduous succulent shrub. The flowers are tubular with red and pink color. Desert Rose produces a sap in its roots and stems that contains cardiac glycosides. This sap is used as arrow poison for hunting large game throughout much of Africa and as a fish toxin.
在臺灣爸爸家的窗台上有一棵沙漠玫瑰,當爸爸剛住院的時候,它正開著一、二朵漂亮的花,好像是在替爸爸加油打氣 。別稱富貴花、沙紅姬花、亞當花、矮性雞蛋花、沙漠玫瑰。它是一種常綠或乾旱落葉多汁灌木。花朵呈管狀,顏色為紅色和粉紅色。沙漠玫瑰在其根和莖中產生含有強心苷的汁液。這種汁液被用作箭毒,用於在非洲大部分地區狩獵大型獵物,並用作魚毒素。

Notes 筆記
- Common names include Sabi star, kudu, mock azalea, impala lily and desert rose.
- It is an evergreen or drought-deciduous succulent shrub.
- The flowers are tubular. The flowers tend to red and pink, often with a whitish blush outward of the throat.
- It is native to the Sahel regions south of the Sahara (from Mauritania and Senegal to Sudan), tropical and subtropical eastern and southern Africa and also the Arabian Peninsula.
- Desert Rose is a popular houseplant and bonsai in temperate regions. It requires a sunny location and a minimum indoor temperature in winter of 10 °C (50 °F). It thrives on a xeric watering regime as required by cacti. It is typically propagated by seed or stem cuttings. The numerous hybrids are propagated mainly by grafting on to seedling rootstock.
- The desert rose is native to dry deserts and can withstand extremely hot weather. When the temperature is too low or there is a lack of water, the desert rose leaves dormant. Proper pruning can promote branching and flowering.
- Desert Rose produces a sap in its roots and stems that contains cardiac glycosides. This sap is used as arrow poison for hunting large game throughout much of Africa and as a fish toxin.
- The whole plant of Desert Rose is poisonous. When Desert Rose is injured, poisonous juice will flow out of the wound. If domestic animals or young children eat the stems and leaves or milk by mistake, it will cause heart diseases such as rapid heartbeat and arrhythmia. Avoid touching the sap when planting. If your hands touch them, you should wash them with soap and water. If you touch your eyes and mouth, you should wash them with water and seek medical advice.
- 別稱富貴花、沙紅姬花、亞當花、矮性雞蛋花、沙漠玫瑰。
- 它是一種常綠或乾旱落葉多汁灌木。
- 花是管狀的。 花朵往往呈紅色和粉紅色,喉嚨外通常帶有白色腮紅。
- 它原產於撒哈拉以南的薩赫勒地區(從毛里塔尼亞和塞內加爾到蘇丹)、熱帶和亞熱帶的東部和南部非洲以及阿拉伯半島。
- 沙漠玫瑰是溫帶地區流行的室內植物和盆景。它需要陽光充足的地方,冬季最低室內溫度為 10 °C (50 °F)。它像仙人掌般的在干旱澆水法下茁壯成長。它通常以種子或莖插條繁殖。許多混合種主要藉嫁接到幼苗砧木上繁殖。
- 沙漠玫瑰原生於乾燥沙漠地帶,能耐酷熱的天氣。當氣溫太低或缺水時,沙漠玫瑰都會落葉休眠。適當的修剪能促進分枝及開花。
- 沙漠玫瑰在其根和莖中產生含有強心苷的汁液。這種汁液被用作箭毒,用於在非洲大部分地區狩獵大型獵物,並用作魚毒素。
- 沙漠玫瑰全株均有毒。當沙漠玫瑰受傷的時候, 傷口流出有毒的汁液,家畜或幼兒誤食莖葉或乳汁,會引起心跳加速、心律不整等心臟疾病。種植要避觸摸流出汁液,若雙手觸摸到要馬上用肥皂及清水沖洗,如觸及眼睛和嘴,要馬上用清水沖洗並求醫。
References 參考資料
- Wikipedia: Adenium obesum
- 維基百科: 沙漠玫瑰
- 認識植物: 沙漠玫瑰
Plants Posts 植物的帖子