Hastings Ranch is a neighborhood located in Pasadena, southern California. In 1882, Charles Cook Hastings purchased 1,100 acres of land, planted grapevines, and constructed a mansion. After his death, his son, Charles Houston Hastings, took over responsibility for the land.
In 1928, the Hastings mansion caught fire and burned to the ground. The ranch fell into disrepair, and its operations were left to managers. Following the death of Charles Houston Hastings in 1942, the Hastings Foundation sold the ranch to a syndicate, which subdivided the land into luxury housing tracts.
Today, Hastings Ranch is locally divided into two distinct neighborhoods: "Upper Hastings" and "Lower Hastings," separated by Sierra Madre Boulevard. Upper Hastings Ranch has become one of the most popular areas for outdoor neighborhood Christmas displays. This tradition began in 1957, with each block decorating their homes with themed icons placed in the parkway, such as snowmen, Christmas trees, Santa and his reindeer, and Peanuts cartoon characters.
We have been to Hastings Ranch several times since 2017 to see the Christmas lights. Here are some pictures of the displays.
黑斯廷斯牧場(Hastings Ranch)是位於南加州帕薩迪納的一個社區。 1882 年查爾斯·庫克·黑斯廷斯 (Charles Cook Hastings) 購買了 1,100 英畝土地,種植葡萄藤,並建造了一座豪宅。他去世後,他的兒子查爾斯·休斯頓·黑斯廷斯 (Charles Houston Hastings) 接管了這片土地。
1928年,黑斯廷斯宅邸著火並被燒毀。牧場年久失修,其營運交由管理人員負責。1942 年查爾斯·休斯頓·黑斯廷斯去世後,黑斯廷斯基金會將牧場出售給一個財團,該財團將這片土地建成豪華住宅區。
如今,黑斯廷斯牧場被塞拉馬德雷大道隔開為兩個不同的社區:“上黑斯廷斯”和“下黑斯廷斯”。上黑斯廷斯牧場已成為戶外鄰裡聖誕節展示最受歡迎的地區之一。這項傳統始於 1957 年,每個街區都根據在人行道上放置的主題圖標來裝飾自己的房屋,例如雪人、聖誕樹、聖誕老人和他的馴鹿以及花生漫畫人物。
自 2017 年以來,我們去黑斯廷斯牧場觀看聖誕彩燈數次。以下是一些聖誕彩燈的照片。
在 Winding Way 的頂部,這家令人驚嘆的燈飾引了無數遊客。比較2017年到現在的照片,可以明顯看到燈飾的增加,而且每年的燈飾也有些不同。
References 參考資料
- Wikipedia: Hastings Ranch, Pasadena, California
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