Butterfly: Dark blue tiger (Tirumala septentrionis) 小紋青斑蝶

The dark blue tiger is a danaid butterfly found in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Dark blue tiger (Tirumala septentrionis) closely resembles Blue tiger (Tirumala limniace). From T. limniace it differs on the upperside in the ground colour being darker and the semihyaline markings narrower, more distinct, and of a bluer tint. The dark blue tiger shows gregarious migratory behaviour in southern India. This species is one of the predominant species (78%) during the migratory season in southern India during which many species migrate. Both males and females appear to migrate in equal numbers. More than one generation per year. Adult butterflies prefer to move in highly shaded and humid forest environments, because the host plant used by the larvae of this species, Heterostemma brownii, is a shade plant and likes to be at the bottom of humid woods. The flight is slow and loves to visit flowers. In the larvae and adult stages, different plant alkaloids are ingested through the host and nectar plants respectively as a weapon to defend against natural enemies.

Dark blue tiger is the butterfly on the right. 小紋青斑蝶是右邊的蝴蝶
Photo Date: 2024.05.15 Location: Taipei, Taiwan

Notes 筆記

  • The dark blue tiger is a danaid butterfly found in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia.
  • Dark blue tiger (Tirumala septentrionis) closely resembles Blue tiger (Tirumala limniace). From T. limniace it differs on the upperside in the ground colour being darker and the semihyaline markings narrower, more distinct, and of a bluer tint.
  • The dark blue tiger shows gregarious migratory behaviour in southern India. This species is one of the predominant species (78%) during the migratory season in southern India during which many species migrate. Both males and females appear to migrate in equal numbers.
  • More than one generation per year. Adult butterflies prefer to move in highly shaded and humid forest environments, because the host plant used by the larvae of this species, Heterostemma brownii, is a shade plant and likes to be at the bottom of humid woods. The flight is slow and loves to visit flowers. In the larvae and adult stages, different plant alkaloids are ingested through the host and nectar plants respectively as a weapon to defend against natural enemies.
  • 小紋青斑蝶又名薔青斑蝶、小紋淡青斑蝶、細紋青斑蝶,為蛺蝶科青斑蝶屬下的一個種。是一種生活在印度次大陸和東南亞的蛺蝶科蝴蝶。
  • 小紋青斑蝶與淡紋青斑蝶非常相似。與淡紋青斑蝶不同的是,它的上側底色更深,半透明斑紋更窄、更明顯,色調更藍。
  • 小紋青斑蝶在印度南部有群居遷徙行為。它是印度南部遷徙季節的主要物種之一(78%)。雄性和雌性的遷徙數量似乎相同。
  • 一年多世代。成蝶偏好於遮蔽度高、潮濕的森林環境活動,因本種幼蟲利用的寄主植物布朗藤是陰性植物,喜歡在潮濕的樹林底層。飛行緩慢,好訪花。在幼蟲及成蟲期會分別透過寄主及蜜源植物攝入不同的植物鹼作為防禦天敵的武器。

References 參考資料

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