Taiwan Travel Journal 2024.05.25 台灣旅行日記 (建國花市及華山藝文特區)

We found that it was not too difficult to push my mother on the MRT in a wheelchair as long as it was not during rush hours. So, on Saturday we decided to take her to the Jianguo Holiday Flower Market, which is only available on weekends, to see and buy flowers. The Jianguo Holiday Flower Market in Taipei City opened in 1982 and is located under the Jianguo South Road Viaduct between Xinyi Road and Renai Road. Usually it is a parking lot, but it is cleared on Friday evenings to allow gardeners to gather and set up stalls. It is open from 9 AM to 6 PM on Saturdays and Sundays, selling plants and flower-related supplies. Mom was quite happy to see the colorful flowers.

After that, my daughter and I went to the Huashan Art & Cultural Park, whose full name is Huashan 1914 Creative Park, also known as Huashan 1914. It was formerly the Taihoku Winery founded in 1914 during the Japanese occupation. After the Second World War in 1945, it was taken over by the Republic of China. The development of various fruit wines in the mid-1950s began the golden age of Taipei Winery. Later, due to high land prices and serious water pollution problems in Taipei, which were unfavorable for winemaking, Taipei Winery moved to Guishan Township, Taoyuan in 1987. In 1997, through the promotion of people from the arts and cultural circles in various fields, the factory was reused into a diversified arts and cultural performance space, which is now the Huashan 1914 Creative Park.
之後我與我女兒去華山藝文特區,全名為華山1914文化創意產業園區,又名華山1914文創園區或華山1914。前身為 1914 年日治時期創設的台北酒廠。1945年第二次世界大戰後,由國民政府接收。1950 年代中期研發各種水果酒,開始了台北第一酒廠的黃金時代,後因地價昂貴及台北水污染問題嚴重、不利釀酒,台北第一酒廠於 1987 年移至桃園龜山鄉,舊廠在 1997年 透過各領域的藝文界人士推動,將之再利用為一個多元發展的藝文展演空間,即現今的華山1914文化創意產業園區。

The Jean Cultural & Creative Co. Ltd. is the dream work of creativity, obsession, and passion. It has developed several brands. I like their designs very much. No wonder we spent a lot of time shopping there. Wonderful Life’s products include wooden furniture, music box, and household appliances⋯ There is also The Wooderful Land. Greenful Life creates an indoor gardening space space in urban life. Jeantopia regains the joy of handicrafts and combines life experience. Embroidery [xiu] Crafts makes cross stitch easy. PaperNThought use the texture of paper to create delicate scenes. I-Marker breaks the principle of traditional sticky notes and presents a new fun of unique note-taking. Funtape uses paper tape to decorate your life. "Come and Go" hopes to allow people to delve deeper into the culture, use creative new thinking to interpret local customs and re-experience local customs. 知音文創事業群成立是以充滿創意、瘋狂、熱情的夢工廠為背景,它開發了好幾個品牌,我都很喜歡它們的設計,無怪我們花了好多時間在這裏面逛。Wonderful Life 的產品有木器家具、音樂鈴、生活電器⋯, 此外還有木育森林 The Wooderful Land, 蒔光花園打造都市生活中的植感空間,Jeantopia 重拾手作樂趣結合生活體驗,繡 [xiu] Crafts 讓十字繡簡易好上手, 紙風景利用紙張的質感建構,層疊出虛實精巧的畫面, I-Marker打破傳統便利貼的原則,展現獨特記事新樂趣,Funtape 活用紙膠帶來妝點生活,"來去"是寄望讓人深入文化,用創意新思維詮釋地方人情,重新體會在地風俗。

We also went to Zhongxiao Fuxing Sogo.
我們又去忠孝復興 Sogo 逛了一下。

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