Prose 生活隨筆: Celebrate Mother's Day 2024 慶祝母親節

This year (2024), I am fortunate enough to spend Mother’s Day with my mom, and even luckier to have the opportunity for an extended visit with her from March to June. This morning, we attended the parent-child hall at the church, immersing ourselves in the lively festive atmosphere alongside children and young parents. My mother received a special blessing and prayer from the pastor Zak, which filled me with happiness and gratitude. Just like the pastor’s heartfelt prayer, I wish for her peace and health. Her prayers hold immense power, and her blessings extend not only to her children but also to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
今年 (2024) 有幸能與媽媽共渡母親節,更幸運的是能有機會與她相處較長的一段時間 (三月-六月)。今早與媽媽去教會親子堂感受小朋友及年輕爸媽的活潑慶節氣氛,媽媽更幸運的能被 Zak 牧師祝福禱告,替她高興並心存感激。如同牧師的禱告,願她平安、健康,她的禱告強而有力,她的恩澤及祝福能及她的兒女、孫輩,甚至她的曾孫輩。

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