World Through My Eyes: 2020 COVID Inspired Comics

(This post was posted on my Facebaook on April 25, 2020. I want to keep some works from the time of COVID so that I can recall on my life during this period when I am old.)
(這篇貼文在 2020 年 4 月 25 日發表於我的 Facebook上。我想保留一些新冠時期的作品,老的時候可以回味一下這段時日的生活。)

Creativity booster - staying home, be calm, be bored. Experiment creating something funny to fight against boredom.
創造力推進器 — 呆在家裡,保持平靜,感到無聊。試著創造一些有趣的東西來對付無聊。

(This post was posted on my old blog on October 30, 2020.)
(這篇貼文在 2020 年 10 月 30 日發表於我的舊部落格上。)

Mirror, Mirror in the pond, who is the fairest of them all?
魔鏡, 池塘里的魔鏡啊,告訴我,誰是世界上最俊美的?

Quick! Quack! Tell me! Tell me quickly!

That’s right! It’s me! Don’t you dare challenge me!
對! 就是我!怎麼樣, 不服氣?

Yeah! It’s me! It’s me! Now, I can travel around the world at ease!
嗯!是我!就是我! 現在我可以安心周遊列國了!

With COVID cases rising and US as well as world news glooming, I turn to nature to find my peace and joy. I took several pictures of mallards when I visited the LA Arboretum. I have some fun creating comic strips to tell a story. I hope they will bring you some laughs.
隨著COVID案件的增加以及令人憂慮的美國以及世界新聞,我轉向自然以尋求寧靜與喜悅。 我參觀洛杉磯植物園時拍了幾張綠頭鴨的照片,用它們來看圖說故事, 很有趣。 我希望能博君一笑。

XYZ/Inspirational Posts 其它雜類或勵志帖子