Prose 生活隨筆: 2021.01.06

(This post was published on my old blog on January 7, 2021.)
(這篇貼文在 2021 年 1 月 7 日發表於我的舊部落格。)

  • A day that I wake up seeing beautiful and colorful sky.
  • A day that I thought just another normal day.
  • A day that I learned the democratic process of counting electoral college votes and certifying the election.
  • A day that I heard those members of the House and Senate giving eloquent and powerful speeches to persuade objecting or objecting the objections of the election results based on alternative facts or facts.
  • A day that I wondered where was I? USA? A 3rd world country? What was I seeing?
  • A day that my heart ached and I was speechless.
  • A day that sun still set beautifully.
  • A day that elected officials were not backed down and not wavering to complete what they set out to do to certify the election results.
  • A day that I pray for the repentance of our sins and the healings of our country. May God bless America.
  • 這是我醒來看到美麗多彩天空的一天。
  • 這是我以為和平常一樣的一天。
  • 這是我學習怎麼計算選舉團選票和認證選舉的民主程序的一天。
  • 這是一天,我聽到眾議院和參議院的議員們發表了雄辯有力的演講,以另類事實或事實為依據,說服反對或反對選舉結果的人。
  • 這是一天我想知道我在哪裡?美國?第三世界國家?我看到了什麼?
  • 這是我心痛得說不出話來的一天。
  • 這是太陽落山依然美麗的一天。
  • 這是民選官員沒有退縮,也沒有動搖地完成他們為驗證選舉結果而製定的一天。
  • 這是我祈禱我們的罪得到悔改,我們的國家得到治癒的一天。願上帝保佑美國。
Matthew 12:25
But knowing their thoughts,
He said to them,
Every kingdom divided against itself
becomes desolate,
and every city or house
divided against itself will not stand
馬太福音 12:25
Matthew 15:11
It is not that which enters into the mouth
that defiles the man;
but that which proceeds out of the mouth,
this defiles the man.
馬太福音 15:11
Matthew 18:7
Woe to the world because of stumbling blocks!
For it is necessary for stumbling blocks to come,
but woe to that man
through whom the stumbling block comes.
馬太福音 18:7

I included this document updated on December 8, 2020 for future reference. Counting Electoral Votes: An Overview of Procedures at the Joint Session, Including Objections by Members of Congress

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