Prose 生活隨筆: Celebrating my parents’ 60th wedding anniversary 慶祝父母親結婚60週年紀念日

(這是寫於2020年,為了慶祝父母親結婚60週年而凖備的。因為新冠疫情,我們無法回臺灣為他們慶祝,只能藉 zoom 為他們慶賀。)
(This was written in 2020 to celebrate my parents’ 60th wedding anniversary. Because of COVID pandemic, we cannot go back to Taiwan to celebrate with them but use Zoom.)

Plans altered but celebrations continue. We planed to go back to Taiwan to celebrate my parents' 60th wedding anniversary. Now we can only stay where we are (Taiwan, US and Canada) and celebrate their big day virtually. There are no words that can express my gratitude to them. May God continue blessing them.

  • 60th Anniversary, Family's Path of Grace 60週年, 家的恩典之路
  • 4949 is Our Sign of Grace, 4949 是我們的恩典記號

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