Insect: Pomponia linearis 台灣騷蟬

When I walked on the Lengshuikeng-Qingtiangang Trail in Yangmingshan National Park in Taiwan in July 2022, I heard cicadas singing. This time I finally saw what it looked like. I looked for many Cicada pictures online to compare with my photos but it is not easy for laymen like me who can not identify it as Pomponia linearis or Tanna sozanensis or other species of cicada. To me they are all the same. According to the sound, I think what I saw was the Pomponia linearis. The video I found on YouTube gives you some idea about its sound.

Photo Date: 2022.07 Location: Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan

Notes 筆記

  • Pomponia linearis is a species of Pomponia in the family Cicada.
  • It can be found at low altitudes of 200-1800 meters in mountainous areas of Taiwan. It also can be seen in Japan (Ryukyu Islands, Yaeyama Islands), Indian Peninsula, and China.
  • It often perches on tree trunks. Adults appear every year from April to October.
  • Pomponia linearis usually sings at dawn or in the afternoon from 3-6 pm. It also sings on cloudy days. It sings loudly. It is phototaxis.
  • 台灣騷蟬是為蟬科騷蟬屬下的一個種。
  • 分布於低海拔200~1800公尺山區,臺灣、日本(琉球群島、八重山諸島)、印度半島、中國大陸。
  • 台灣騷蟬常棲息在樹的主幹上 。成蟲於每年4至10月出沒,舊名「臺灣蜩」。
  • 台灣騷蟬通常在黎明天色暗時,及下午3-6點時鳴叫,陰天也會鳴叫,鳴聲嘹亮,會齊鳴。具趨光性。

Insects Posts 昆蟲的帖子

References 參考資料