Butterfly: Cloudless sulphur (Phoebis sennae) 黃菲粉蝶

The cloudless sulphur is a mid-sized butterfly in the family Pieridae found in the Americas. Its genus name is derived from Phoebe the sister of Apollo, a god of Greek and Roman mythology. The specific epithet, sennae is for the genus Senna to which many of the cloudless sulphur's larval host plants belong. Their range is wide, from South America to southern Canada. Adults are usually bright yellow, but some summer form females are pale yellow or white. The seasonal migrations of cloudless sulphurs and monarchs are similar in that each species is abandoning large and favorable summer breeding areas that have lethally low winter temperatures for more favorable climates to the south. In the spring, surviving adults head northward and soon repopulate the summer breeding areas.

Photo Date: 2019.05.22 Location: Peck Road Park

Notes 筆記

  • The cloudless sulphur is a mid-sized butterfly in the family Pieridae found in the Americas. Its genus name is derived from Phoebe the sister of Apollo, a god of Greek and Roman mythology. The specific epithet, sennae is for the genus Senna to which many of the cloudless sulphur's larval host plants belong.
  • Their range is wide, from South America to southern Canada, in particular southwestern Ontario. They are most common from Argentina to southern Texas, Georgia, and Florida.
  • Adults are usually bright yellow, but some summer form females are pale yellow or white. Wing spans range from 4.8 to 6.5 cm (approximately 1.9 to 2.6 in). Females have a narrow black border on the wings and a dark spot in the middle of the front wing. Males are seasonally dimorphic with winter forms being larger and with darker markings ventrally.
  • The larvae are green with yellow lateral lines and blue patches and transverse bands of tiny blue spots bearing black setae. Larvae that feed predominantly on flowers are yellow with black transverse bands.
  • The pupae hang vertically attached to a silk pad by the cremaster and also are supported by a silk girdle. Pupae may be either green or pink with yellow lines.
  • Cloudless sulphurs may be found in all habitats when migrating, but breed in disturbed open areas where their caterpillar host plants and nectar plants are found. They have relatively long tongues and can reach the nectar of some tubular flowers that some other butterflies cannot. Red flowers are preferred.
  • The fall migration of cloudless sulphurs is the easiest to observe butterfly migration in the southeastern United States. The seasonal migrations of cloudless sulphurs and monarchs are similar in that each species is abandoning large and favorable summer breeding areas that have lethally low winter temperatures for more favorable climates to the south. In the spring, surviving adults head northward and soon repopulate the summer breeding areas.
  • 黃菲粉蝶是在美洲發現的粉蝶科中的一種中型蝴蝶。它的屬名源自希臘和羅馬神話中阿波羅的妹妹菲比。它的種小名來自許多幼蟲寄主植物所屬的番瀉葉屬。
  • 它們分佈的範圍很廣,從南美洲到加拿大南部,特別是安大略省西南部。它們在阿根廷、德克薩斯州南部、喬治亞州和佛羅裡達州最常見。
  • 成年黃菲粉蝶通常呈現鮮黃色,但有些夏季型雌性呈淡黃色或白色。翼展範圍為 4.8 至 6.5 公分(約 1.9 至 2.6 英吋)。雌性翅膀上有狹窄的黑色邊框,前翅中部有一個黑點。雄性具有季節性雌雄異型,冬季體型較大,腹側斑紋較深。
  • 幼蟲呈綠色,有黃色側線和藍色斑點以及帶有黑色剛毛的微小藍色斑點的橫向帶。主要以花為食的幼蟲呈黃色,帶有黑色橫帶。
  • 蛹透過提睪垂直懸掛在絲墊上,並由絲帶支撐。蛹可能是綠色或粉紅色,帶有黃色線條。
  • 遷徙時黃菲粉蝶可能出現在所有棲息地,但在受干擾的開闊地區繁殖,那裡有毛毛蟲寄主植物和花蜜植物。它們的舌頭相對較長,可以取到一些其他蝴蝶無法取到的管狀花的花蜜。喜歡紅色的花朵。
  • 黃菲粉蝶的秋季遷徙是美國東南部最容易觀察到的蝴蝶遷徙。黃菲粉蝶和帝王斑蝶的季節性遷徙相似,都是放棄冬季溫度低得致命的大而有利的夏季繁殖區,遷移到氣候較有利的南方。春季,存活下來的成蟲向北遷徙,並很快重新佔領夏季繁殖區。

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